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What value is there in the telling of jokes that come at the expense of another?
Asked by The_Compassionate_Heretic from iPhone | 27 responses -
Stop me if you heard this one! Anybody have a one-liner or short, clean, joke they'd like to tell?
Asked by Sueanne_Tremendous | 48 responses -
Why do we find it necessary to joke around with the people we are comfortable with?
Asked by aaronheaberlin808 | 12 responses -
What is your favorite joke?
Asked by troubleinharlem from iPhone | 117 responses -
Can you offer some cheerful advice?
Asked by sjmc1989 | 62 responses -
What makes a good comedian a good comedian?
Asked by sakura | 25 responses -
What the hell just happened to Fluther? Am I out of the loop on something or do I have a virus?
Asked by ubersiren | 29 responses -
Everyone has a sense of humor - agree or disagree?
Asked by YARNLADY | 63 responses -
What Jokes Are You Sick Of?
Asked by ilvorangeiceblocks | 51 responses -
Is pretending the same thing as lying?
Asked by YARNLADY | 72 responses -
What's so funny about "dirty" words?
Asked by Quagmire | 18 responses -
What are some really fun and creative "get to know you" type-games?
Asked by Chongalicious | 27 responses -
What do you think about mom jokes?
Asked by J0E | 76 responses -
Can somebody please explain this cartoon to me?
Asked by peyton_farquhar | 25 responses -
Is there a joke that you just can't stand anymore?
Asked by phoenyx | 42 responses -
I'm new here, and I see no tags for humor or jokes,so how do I find the chat room?
Asked by mountainman | 11 responses -
Have you ever had someone teach you something you never expected?
Asked by evelyns_pet_zebra | 15 responses -
Have you ever played a practical joke or prank on someone and had it backfire?
Asked by jca | 13 responses -
How many people do you know who get all of your jokes?
Asked by KatawaGrey | 33 responses -
How far is too far when it comes to racial jokes?
Asked by Facade | 32 responses -
How do you deal with racist people?
Asked by essieness | 27 responses -
What's the best April Fools joke that you've played/has been played on you?
Asked by kenmc | 24 responses -
Is anyone enjoying Fluther's April Fools?
Asked by casheroo | 102 responses -
Will you still be laughing at fart-jokes when you're 90?
Asked by getoffmylawn | 40 responses -
What is the corniest joke you've ever heard?
Asked by swimswimswim | 41 responses