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What troubles have plagued you this year? What joys have you experienced?
Asked by Mariah | 14 responses -
What is that one thing you love doing but will never be good at?
Asked by mazingerz88 from iPhone | 7 responses -
What are six things around you right now that are as nearly perfect as they can get?
Asked by Jeruba | 13 responses -
What makes you happy?
Asked by imrainmaker | 29 responses -
Name something that made you smile today!
Asked by MooCows | 21 responses -
What fun things (grand or more mundane) have you done lately?
Asked by Kardamom from iPhone | 11 responses -
What do you do to cheer yourself up?
Asked by imrainmaker | 26 responses -
Do you have a possession that makes you happy?
Asked by janbb | 18 responses -
Does God strip us of all emotion when we go to heaven?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 50 responses -
What's something out of the ordinary you can do at lunch?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 30 responses -
What are some mundane, but satisfying things, that happen in your everyday life?
Asked by Kardamom | 21 responses -
Who wants to be an amateur writer?
Asked by Kardamom | 5 responses -
What is the happiest, and saddest question you can think of?
Asked by Ltryptophan from iPhone | 6 responses -
What is something you look forward to every day or almost every day?
Asked by Cruiser | 53 responses -
When was the last time you cried and why?
Asked by MooCows | 28 responses -
When you discovered you were pregnant, besides the overwhelming joy you must have felt, what other concerns/fears did you have?
Asked by ZEPHYRA | 7 responses -
Do you laugh more when with others?
Asked by longgone | 10 responses -
Is Fluther your passion?
Asked by talljasperman | 35 responses -
If you can erase any memory from your mind which one would it be?
Asked by Araphel | 9 responses -
What has brought you joy today?
Asked by janbb | 346 responses -
How do you keep your composure and stay happy even though the world falls apart around you?
Asked by pleiades | 6 responses -
What happened in your life that was good today?
Asked by Dog | 60 responses -
What song is in your head today? #4?
Asked by ibstubro | 88 responses -
How much do you know about the emotional well being of cows?
Asked by ibstubro | 32 responses -
Do Australians celebrate Christmas with snow and sleigh and reindeer images?
Asked by jaytkay | 7 responses