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Should the Lockerbie Bomber, Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi, have been freed on compassionate grounds?
Asked by polos | 54 responses -
What's your opinion on the "American Creed" by Dean Alfange?
Asked by seVen | 29 responses -
Should a man be fired for helping stop a purse snatcher?
Asked by Ansible1 | 38 responses -
If your child grew up to be a serial rapist, would you support the death penalty against them?
Asked by The_Compassionate_Heretic | 50 responses -
All of us 6.8 billion people on Earth are almost identical genetically - If more people were aware of this, would this replace racism with justice?
Asked by mattbrowne | 18 responses -
Do you think the "Jury" is the greatest weakness of the american justice system?
Asked by ragingloli | 10 responses -
How does the victim get better justice if the criminal is tried as a juvenile?
Asked by walterallenhaxton | 31 responses -
What about Guantanamo?
Asked by oratio | 31 responses -
At what point does "personal responsibility" end and the "just world fallacy" begin?
Asked by Zuma | 5 responses -
What is the nature of justice?
Asked by halox0x0 | 3 responses -
Do you think the Pirate Bay verdict should be revoked?
Asked by oratio | 4 responses -
If you discovered your political party was dishonest, malicious, and cruel-yet tried to persuade you otherwise-would you support the opposition, even if that meant compromising your lifestyle, social group, and perhaps bodily health?
Asked by Crusader | 49 responses -
If you accidentally killed someone, how severely should you be punished?
Asked by Zuma | 15 responses -
Do you think Obama should pardon the teenage pirate captured off the coast of Somalia?
Asked by KalWest | 27 responses -
Why do you think the police enforces us to wear our seat belts?
Asked by Myndecho | 77 responses -
Are we now guilty until proven innocent?
Asked by Judi | 23 responses -
Can a person be blamed for their thoughts?
Asked by Jayne | 44 responses -
At the final judgment, that great inquiry, how many pages will you rip from your diary?
Asked by RealEyesRealizeRealLies | 20 responses -
Are there any examples of intentionally inflicted punishment that are not sadistic?
Asked by ninjacolin | 18 responses -
Do you think suicide should be considered a crime?
Asked by aviona | 41 responses -
When, if ever, is the government sanctioned mutilation of a convicted criminal appropriate?
Asked by theluckiest | 23 responses -
I want to fix everything. How to do this?
Asked by nikipedia | 33 responses -
Are you reassured that the decades old Tylenol poisonings may have new evidence?
Asked by kelly | 10 responses -
Tracking down stolen goods?
Asked by LKidKyle1985 | 6 responses -
What's your opinion of the O. J. Simpson guilty verdicts?
Asked by JackAdams | 27 responses