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What is the big deal about the iPad?
Asked by jerv | 35 responses -
What time should I line up outside Best Buy on Black Friday?
Asked by Gruz06 | 25 responses -
What does how you access (smartphone, laptop, desktop) Fluther, have to do with it?
Asked by fyvon | 11 responses -
Do Gaming Laptops Have A Bad Battery Life Compared To Non-Gaming-Laptops?
Asked by Dibowac78NN | 5 responses -
Can you recommend to me your favorite lap desk?
Asked by JLeslie | 1 response -
Is there any way that my macbook deletes history without me having to do it?
Asked by 2late2be | 8 responses -
My laptop is asking for a password in order to boot up. it has never done this before.
Asked by Bigfish | 7 responses -
Can I clean my laptop screen with windex and a rag/paper towel?
Asked by MrMontpetit | 8 responses -
What's a good upgrade for my MacBook Pro hard drive?
Asked by andrew | 4 responses -
Which cellular data card network has the most reliable coverage and speed?
Asked by boettiger | 7 responses -
Why Does a Ram Upgrade from Apple Cost $420?
Asked by justin5824 | 17 responses -
Why aren't the sound drivers on my computer working after reinstalling Windows?
Asked by wasabi_rave | 9 responses -
Anyone using T-Mobile's data plan with a laptop?
Asked by IchtheosaurusRex | 2 responses -
How good is the Inspiron 15?
Asked by Iclamae | 10 responses -
Which lightweight linux distribution can you recommend me to install in an old compaq presario to use just for web browsing and other simple tasks?
Asked by clodoveo | 6 responses -
Can anyone help me regarding a Rohos mini?
Asked by Headhurts | 5 responses -
How often do you run chkdsk?
Asked by 2davidc8 | 4 responses -
Recommended laptop, $1000 or less?
Asked by rj325 | 4 responses -
Are Intel Core i3 and i5 processors good for battery life in laptops, or should I go for a lower grade processor?
Asked by FireMadeFlesh | 14 responses -
My Acer Aspire?
Asked by MissR09 | 2 responses -
How do you fix a computer screen if nothing shows up ?
Asked by Scarlett | 4 responses -
If you load a movie on the internets, will it still play if you have no internet connection?
Asked by TitsMcGhee | 10 responses -
What are some good ways to keep in contact with your boy/girlfriend/partner/spouse while you're away?
Asked by tirithalui | 20 responses -
What is wrong with the system sounds on my laptop?
Asked by DominicX | 6 responses -
In your opinion, what is the best portable usb tv tuner available?
Asked by jdogg | 1 response