law enforcement
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Which scares you more, terrorism or a police state?
Asked by ETpro | 41 responses -
By what reasoning would over 100 directors, producers, writers and actors be so quick to rush to the defense of a convicted rapist?
Asked by dalepetrie | 34 responses -
What's the most dangerous "mistake" that you often witness drivers doing?
Asked by ubersiren | 226 responses -
Do you think that states should move to ban "bath salts"?
Asked by Ron_C | 44 responses -
Finish this sentence: I'd love to legalize ____.
Asked by AshLeigh | 35 responses -
Why is open carry of firearms so controversial?
Asked by ibstubro | 347 responses -
Do my fellow Flutherites truly understand the implications of the November elections?
Asked by Linda_Owl | 17 responses -
What is the procedure to use, when a private citizen places a sworn peace officer under "citizen's arrest"?
Asked by JackAdams | 56 responses -
Do you think that Americans are being desensitized by our government & the Dept. of HomeLand Security to the presence of the military & military vehicles while they are doing practice 'drills' on our streets & in our cities?
Asked by Linda_Owl | 35 responses -
Why is marijuana such a big deal with law enforcement?
Asked by Tenpinmaster | 57 responses -
Do you think people who work for ICE or in the past the Gestapo are inherently evil or does participating in the system make them so?
Asked by janbb | 30 responses -
What were the implications of the LA'92 riots, for the black community's struggle against police prejudice in the USA, and what does that mean for London today?
Asked by The_Idler | 27 responses -
[NSFW] What is the most fitting punishment for this transgression?
Asked by laureth | 20 responses -
Do you understand how Derek Chauvin was found guilty of all three charges of: unintentional second-degree murder; third-degree murder; and second-degree manslaughter?
Asked by LuckyGuy | 47 responses -
In your opinion.How would it change American people's thoughts on immigration, if all the southern border immigrants were Caucasian?
Asked by MrGrimm888 | 75 responses -
Do laws extend into Outer Space?
Asked by jtvoar16 | 30 responses -
[Possibly NSFW] Law buffs: What does the law say about professional dominatrices in California (Oakland, specifically)?
Asked by MissAnthrope | 2 responses -
From a hypothetical standpoint, what do you think Derek Chauvin was thinking when he spent 9 minutes with his knee on George Floyd's neck?
Asked by jca2 | 34 responses -
What have you heard about the murder of Tyre in Memphis?
Asked by KNOWITALL | 34 responses -
Should there be more of a reaction when white/Hispanic/Asian people are killed by cops?
Asked by Demosthenes from iPhone | 6 responses -
How do you feel about Obama's comments about the Gates matter?
Asked by berry_lips | 34 responses -
Why is age 18 used to demarcate children from adults?
Asked by gamefu91 | 21 responses -
What do you think of military and law enforcement?
Asked by KNOWITALL | 46 responses -
What do you want the police to do on your behalf?
Asked by 6rant6 | 18 responses -
How do I get over embarrassment after sending letter to police?
Asked by Yeetthefrog | 6 responses