law enforcement
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If you're pro-death penalty, what method of death do you advocate, and why?
Asked by ibstubro | 25 responses -
Portable repeaters for first responders?
Asked by Jonathan_hodgkins | 4 responses -
Analog & Digital communications?
Asked by Jonathan_hodgkins | 6 responses -
With all the news about Police shootings and such.....(rest in details)
Asked by SQUEEKY2 | 17 responses -
NSFW How to handle a date rape douche: street justice or the law?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 4 responses -
Non-lethal weapons capable of incapacitation?
Asked by Jonathan_hodgkins | 9 responses -
How would a "halfway house" benefit a wealthy, white collar criminal with a relatively short sentence?
Asked by ibstubro | 10 responses -
What is up with the national driver registry? Has anyone had experience with this organization?
Asked by Blackberry | 4 responses -
Are pay-per-view video chats in prisons and jails a valuable link between inmates and their families, a circumvention of the incarceration-as-punishment principle, or another example of money talks? [Details - link]?
Asked by ibstubro | 27 responses -
How much do you agree or disagree with this premise: "Americans do not have a reasonable expectation of privacy when on public property."?
Asked by ibstubro | 33 responses -
Is the body camera video helpful in this police shooting?
Asked by funkdaddy | 18 responses -
Between the Senate Intelligence Committee, Dick Cheney and the New York Times, who is most likely "Full of crap" [Details]?
Asked by ibstubro | 12 responses -
Why do certain cases go to the grand jury (e.g., Ferguson) and others don't?
Asked by 2davidc8 | 4 responses -
What will be the outcome of Illinois making recording the police be a felony?
Asked by Zaku | 17 responses -
Would you rather police officers started wearing cameras or stopped carrying guns? (pick one)
Asked by funkdaddy | 75 responses -
Can someone give me a brief, accurate run-down on the prohibition against "Passing on the Right" as it applies to the U.S.?
Asked by ibstubro | 31 responses -
Is there a difference between a sexual assault and rape?
Asked by 2TFX | 5 responses -
Can you name examples where people were actually hurt by enforcement of a law that was designed to protect them? Is it even possible to design laws that actually do protect people such as this?
Asked by snowberry | 4 responses -
Has "Homeland Security" run its course in the US?
Asked by ibstubro | 15 responses -
What can MD police see when they run your license plate number?
Asked by bluedoggiant | 8 responses -
Will police confiscate my $300?
Asked by bluedoggiant | 34 responses -
The perfect punishment? (Role play).
Asked by Luiveton | 24 responses -
Why is open carry of firearms so controversial?
Asked by ibstubro | 347 responses -
How would you deal with people that are assessed a fine as legal punishment, but there are no funds to pay the fine?
Asked by ibstubro | 11 responses -
When the death penalty was to "hang from the neck until dead", were the criminals forced to wear a headcovering, or could they be hung with their face showing?
Asked by elbanditoroso | 22 responses