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Is life passing by for you as quickly as it is passing by for me?
Asked by RealEyesRealizeRealLies | 23 responses -
If you could live forever, how would you live?
Asked by silverfly | 37 responses -
When you were courting, was there one moment that stands out in your mind where you learned the most about your future spouse?
Asked by wundayatta | 17 responses -
Are chicken eggs in the grocery store alive?
Asked by stump | 31 responses -
Have you had an "I could die now" moment?
Asked by wundayatta | 23 responses -
Have you ever experienced a "Lean On Me" moment?
Asked by Strauss | 20 responses -
How do you deal with anxiety?
Asked by sarahjane90 | 36 responses -
How would you repay someone for pulling your butt out of a really bad situation?
Asked by Adirondackwannabe | 37 responses -
Has anyone ever been happy by always putting others ahead of themselves?
Asked by JeffVader | 61 responses -
What in your point of view is modern-day torture?
Asked by ZEPHYRA | 39 responses -
Should you career/job be necessary?
Asked by Simone_De_Beauvoir | 41 responses -
Do you have someone in your life, for whom, you would give up everything you have, just to occupy one minute of their day?
Asked by TheOnlyException | 35 responses -
If you were destined to get Alzheimer’s or Dementia what would you do now?
Asked by thezooloft | 31 responses -
When you are in a relationship, are you one, or one of two?
Asked by Sophief | 44 responses -
Without using modern plumbing, or water in a ditch, how can I get up to a liter of clean drinking water from my back yard by tomorrow morning with minimal effort?
Asked by Ltryptophan | 14 responses -
Any suggestions about nipping panic attack causing anxiety in the bud?
Asked by Ltryptophan | 30 responses -
What is a simple life?
Asked by wundayatta | 27 responses -
For you, how could you make your life simpler? And, why do you choose to do it the hard way?
Asked by Jude | 27 responses -
Do you need to see the results of your work? What about your work satisfies you?
Asked by wundayatta | 23 responses -
Why do my moods change so strangely?
Asked by Sophief | 18 responses -
Did you know that we're having a Town Hall meeting tonight on Fluther?
Asked by augustlan | 33 responses -
Do you have any regrets from your teenage years?
Asked by The_Inquisitor | 32 responses -
How did Giotto draw a perfect circle freehand?
Asked by Ltryptophan | 8 responses -
Do you really need Algebra 1 and Geometry after High School and College?
Asked by ShipwrecksInSand | 22 responses -
Why is there so much bullshit in life?
Asked by Adirondackwannabe | 36 responses