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What single change in your habits/behavior has improved your life the most?
Asked by mirifique | 48 responses -
Chaos or order?
Asked by o0 | 70 responses -
What do you know now that you wish you'd have known when you were younger?
Asked by Vincentt | 19 responses -
Have you heard about "The Secret?"?
Asked by onesecondregrets | 67 responses -
What does the expression "having your s*** together" mean to you?
Asked by mirifique | 24 responses -
What surprised you today?
Asked by Dog | 37 responses -
If you could have one week back to do something over what would that be?
Asked by antimatter | 21 responses -
If you could bring someone back to life who would it be?
Asked by adri027 from iPhone | 77 responses -
How come those people that had an NDE Near Death Experience long for heaven and feel like strangers here on Earth?
Asked by seVen | 74 responses -
Would cocaine be a good solution to motivation problems?
Asked by Sakata | 103 responses -
Have you been fortunate to find the 'love of your life'? What of your 'soulmate'? Are they one in the same?
Asked by SherlockPoems | 63 responses -
Do you judge people on Fluther based on the amount of lurve they have?
Asked by Sakata | 48 responses -
Is there a place online where someone can go to post random thoughts without them being required to be in thread (forum) or question form?
Asked by Sakata | 17 responses -
Religious or not, can you name a few things you find to be sins?
Asked by wundayatta | 156 responses -
Some nice names for my simmies?
Asked by Amish_Ninja | 8 responses -
Have you ever talked about the specifics of sex to your spouse?
Asked by wundayatta | 40 responses -
The worst storm you've ever been caught in?
Asked by wundayatta | 31 responses -
Do you press the self-destruct button.
Asked by emmaroid | 8 responses -
What makes Anime Roleplaying so popular?
Asked by Sakata | 13 responses -
If you wanted kids, did you/would you marry someone who was unsure about having them?
Asked by DrasticDreamer | 61 responses -
Why doesn't the U.S. use the metric system? How hard would the transition be if they started?
Asked by Sakata | 37 responses -
If you were about to die, and could only make one phone call, who would you call?
Asked by Sakata | 60 responses -
What gadget or piece of tech would you love to have but will probably never get?
Asked by Sakata | 36 responses -
When did you figure out what you wanted to do with your life?
Asked by lendwill | 22 responses -
How awesome is Bill Gates?
Asked by Sakata | 51 responses