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How could your life so far be judged, using a brief sentence in the style of a school report?
Asked by ucme | 22 responses -
Is it illegal for someone to falsely accuse you of you threatening them when there's absolutely no proof to back up their claim?
Asked by AshlynM | 13 responses -
How can I make my resume look like this? >> (picture inside)
Asked by partyrock | 27 responses -
Do you think there is still inequality for women in this day and age?
Asked by punkrockworld | 32 responses -
How come some singers accents fade when they sing?
Asked by AshlynM | 13 responses -
How do you get to know yourself?
Asked by Aesthetic_Mess | 15 responses -
Good people - Who are they?
Asked by raven860 | 26 responses -
For you, what is love? [See details]?
Asked by AshLeigh | 56 responses -
Have your ever acted in such a way that you would call it "not like yourself"?
Asked by raven860 | 11 responses -
Does eating meat make you a hypocrite when you're fighting for animal rights?
Asked by AshlynM | 30 responses -
Do you ever get stuck speaking with an accent?
Asked by AshLeigh | 11 responses -
Is it better to skip college in favor of getting a job and working up?
Asked by Aesthetic_Mess | 15 responses -
Are there any mysteries in your past?
Asked by Mariah | 23 responses -
If you had to change your username, what would you change it to?
Asked by AshLeigh | 230 responses -
I found money on the ground. What should I do?
Asked by pshizzle from iPhone | 47 responses -
This may seem odd to you, but what weird, gross, disturbing, or disgusting videos or articles have you seen or read lately?
Asked by AshlynM | 12 responses -
So there's absolutely no way to trace an unavailable phone number?
Asked by AshlynM | 9 responses -
Why are people so afraid of flies, spiders, and bugs?
Asked by partyrock | 27 responses -
How expensive is it to live in Monte Carlo, Monaco?
Asked by partyrock | 14 responses -
If you could change one thing about yourself permanently, what would it be?
Asked by Male | 41 responses -
Do you remember your life clear as day before you started making a six figure salary?
Asked by auhsojsa | 18 responses -
Would you go back to an amazing [man] knowing that you might have a harder break-up in the future?
Asked by sliceswiththings | 8 responses -
Scientists found yet another potentially hospitable "Goldilocks" planet, this one being a scant 22 lightyears away. So with all these findings that have been increasing in frequency of goldilock planets, just how much life is out there?
Asked by King_Pariah | 19 responses -
How do you cope with an awareness of impending death -- inside?
Asked by wundayatta | 13 responses -
How do you avoid becoming bitter and jaded as you grow older?
Asked by Jude | 51 responses