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What is the name of this linguist/philosopher?
Asked by aeschylus | 9 responses -
What does "At funeral speed" mean?
Asked by Hydrogenbond | 13 responses -
Defining and using terms in debate and discussion: What are the best practices?
Asked by ninjacolin | 16 responses -
How did you become fluent in your second (or third) language?
Asked by juniper | 21 responses -
I have a question for you linguists and philos and biblios: why are tough and enough not pronounced like cough, and why are slouch and couch not pronounced like touch?
Asked by Zen_Again | 29 responses -
Why do names get changed for other languages?
Asked by jaketheripper | 13 responses -
Does the apache Indian language have a way of expressing a deontic modal like should not?
Asked by chuboy from iPhone | 2 responses -
Why should we bother with the "apostrophe of omission"?
Asked by Harp | 40 responses -
What do you think will happen to English in the next 30-40 years?
Asked by the100thmonkey | 41 responses -
Can infra-human primates acquire language?
Asked by dpworkin | 13 responses -
What are ideas?
Asked by LostInParadise | 35 responses -
Do you ever get the feeling people are trying simply to out do you, with no other purpose than one-up-man-ship?
Asked by ththththth | 10 responses -
Do you pronounce the word "human" as though it were spelled "yuman?"?
Asked by juniper | 31 responses -
Why is it called a "watch"?
Asked by phoenyx | 18 responses -
Differences between Northern Californa and the Northeastern US?
Asked by lrk | 9 responses -
Does the English language need more words for the different ideas of "love?"?
Asked by Point5r | 61 responses -
What does "short end of the stick" really mean?
Asked by timothykinney | 9 responses -
In what original language is the English Rosetta Stone Software Language Program?
Asked by seVen from iPhone | 7 responses -
Can you separate the medium from the message?
Asked by RealEyesRealizeRealLies | 47 responses -
What the hell are colored memes?
Asked by wundayatta | 15 responses -
When do you expect a major spelling reform of the English language?
Asked by mattbrowne | 58 responses -
Proper nouns represent unique entities in the world around us - Why are there proper nouns with more than 25 or even 40 characters?
Asked by mattbrowne | 26 responses -
Have you observed this English language issue?
Asked by tekn0lust | 43 responses -
What do you believe is the most subtle 'form' of arrogance?
Asked by Nially_Bob | 19 responses -
Machine translation and a great many funny examples - When can we expect better results for the automatic translation of text from one language (e.g. English) into an other?
Asked by mattbrowne | 9 responses