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What influences you more in situations, logic or emotions?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 34 responses -
Do the movies 'Money as Debt' i and ii accurately describe our situation?
Asked by Cheesefoot | 5 responses -
What would you expect your family to do for you if you had acheived one of your biggest dreams?
Asked by nebule | 44 responses -
Why do so many choose to ignore reason and rely on faith to guide them?
Asked by Polly_Math | 46 responses -
Would you be willing to share a moment of failed logic or come up with one?
Asked by Alrook | 6 responses -
"A law is only as good as the good that comes from it." - true? false? discuss!
Asked by ninjacolin | 14 responses -
What is the term used in philosophy and Logic?
Asked by Rememberme | 13 responses -
Is "the love of money the root of all evil" or is the bible wrong?
Asked by ninjacolin | 42 responses -
Can you take ice on a plane?
Asked by MissAnthrope | 11 responses -
Would you rather live your life by belief, emotion, or reason and why?
Asked by Samurai from IM | 41 responses -
Can you help me wrap my head around conditional reasoning?
Asked by drdoombot | 6 responses -
Best line following algorithm?
Asked by haegenschlatt | 4 responses -
How much do you value your "gut" instincts?
Asked by ubersiren | 49 responses -
What exactly is an algorithm?
Asked by sumitnxt | 11 responses -
Can you solve this moving problem?
Asked by andrew | 21 responses -
Is it wrong to buy food for the homeless?
Asked by windex | 58 responses -
Parameters or Registry keys? Which is best to tell an application to do "something" at startup?
Asked by gciochina | 3 responses -
Is my brain functioning at a higher level?
Asked by XOIIO | 66 responses -
What is the most unbiased, non-sensationalized news organizations?
Asked by limeaide | 39 responses -
Could two dissimilar items both be perfect for one purpose? (Plus more questions of perfection)
Asked by Joinm | 37 responses -
What is wrong with logic and reason?
Asked by sap82 | 27 responses -
Is it logically possible to prove that something does not exist?
Asked by nebule | 45 responses -
What are your favorite logic puzzles?
Asked by phoenyx | 8 responses -
What do you believe are the characteristics of luck?
Asked by DrasticDreamer | 28 responses -
Why is Aristotle-father of logic-quoted as saying, 'Democracy is rule of the indigent?'?
Asked by Crusader | 109 responses