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How often do you say "I love you?"?
Asked by ANef_is_Enuf | 51 responses -
Gentlemen, admit it, you've had a man crush before or do right now. Who is he and why?
Asked by erichw1504 | 59 responses -
Do damaged people attract each other?
Asked by wundayatta | 17 responses -
How many forms of love are there?
Asked by john65pennington | 9 responses -
Why am I afraid to be out at night, and how can I get over it?
Asked by knittingandcanning | 34 responses -
What is a good saying to put on my boyfriends new money clip?
Asked by missjena | 22 responses -
Is your spouse your best friend?
Asked by chelle21689 | 25 responses -
What's the hardest thing that you've ever had to fight for?
Asked by Jude | 29 responses -
Guys, what are your turn ons?
Asked by guitargirl93 | 27 responses -
Do you want to brag on your children?
Asked by wundayatta | 20 responses -
How can I ask a guy I've known for a while out casually?
Asked by nikole273 | 18 responses -
How to make a guy feel extremely uncomfortable ?
Asked by Scarlett | 47 responses -
Would you classify this as cheating? and what would you do?
Asked by shoebox | 32 responses -
How do I get over a fear of commitment and forgive someone for a "seemingly" small offense? Am I just looking for a reason to bail every single time? Am I maybe supposed to be alone?
Asked by dont | 9 responses -
What is more important than food?
Asked by wundayatta | 27 responses -
What are you thankful and not thankful for this Thanksgiving?
Asked by vade66 | 23 responses -
How can I tell this girl I want to be with her?
Asked by johnny from iPhone | 24 responses -
Do you, like me, feel as though jellies are like family?
Asked by Jude | 76 responses -
Is there anything at all that you are secretive about to your SO?
Asked by RealEyesRealizeRealLies | 5 responses -
Do women get more sweaty and smelly feet if they wear nylons with shoes?
Asked by MikiLazarevic | 7 responses -
I need songs, books, movies with the word "Wedding","Bride", "Groom", "Love" in the title?
Asked by Lee001 | 25 responses -
Could you help me with this; I have lost so much in my life and now I worry about my relationship (details inside)
Asked by Jude | 43 responses -
New boyfriend. Love him. What should I do about this lie?
Asked by dont | 56 responses -
Do guys prefer skinny or a little curvy?
Asked by guitargirl93 | 53 responses -
For those of you who have lost both parents and don't have a close family, do you ever feel that you're all alone?
Asked by Jude | 9 responses