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How can we avoid unnessessary use of gender-specific pronouns?
Asked by Dr_Lawrence | 45 responses -
When people say "I'll pray for you," do they actually do it?
Asked by PandoraBoxx | 25 responses -
Why do some women take it as a personal insult when a man opens the door for them?
Asked by newbee | 54 responses -
Do we really need to be politically correct when we can be polite instead?
Asked by Nullo | 32 responses -
Phone etiquette: Are you obligated to answer the telephone?
Asked by Snarp | 33 responses -
What do you do in this situation (see details)
Asked by SamIAm | 30 responses -
When did you realize that you were "old fashioned"?
Asked by CorwinofAmber | 24 responses -
Does repeatedly careless spelling and total disregard of grammar justify criticism?
Asked by Dr_Lawrence | 69 responses -
What table manners should you actually follow?
Asked by arpinum | 61 responses -
Why do some people get in the Carpool lane, then proceed to drive at a speed lower than the speed of the lanes of the regular freeway?
Asked by Kraigmo | 38 responses -
Apartment-dwellers: How do you get someone to stop ringing your bell if they're not coming up to see you?
Asked by drdoombot | 20 responses -
Letter from an ex--what do I do?
Asked by Kayak8 | 35 responses -
Do you know somene who is overly sarcastic, is there a limit one should abide by?
Asked by SolitaryMan | 16 responses -
Can we solve the problem of hallway etiquette?
Asked by nikipedia | 44 responses -
Why do people tend to lose their manners on the Internet?
Asked by jazzjeppe | 24 responses -
If you don't get a response from an email, what do you do?
Asked by zanguest | 12 responses -
Can we have civility without repression?
Asked by ParaParaYukiko | 18 responses -
When an acquaintance reveals a sensitive medical problem to you, how involved should you get?
Asked by jlm11f | 18 responses -
Is it rude to ignore someone, maybe someone you don't even know, for no reason?
Asked by Val123 | 24 responses -
Is this rude of me?
Asked by Judi from iPhone | 26 responses -
Modern Society question: Do you feel that being rude, abrasive, sarcastic, or apathetic are the new norms for acceptable behavior and ettiquette?
Asked by gottamakeart | 29 responses -
Is there a reason that people throw manners out the window when dealing with cashiers?
Asked by live_rose | 17 responses -
What makes internet trolls tick?
Asked by Sillyish | 21 responses -
Why do some drivers in the carpool lane driver slower than the traffic in the regular lanes?
Asked by Kraigmo | 22 responses -
Is it weird to call women you don't know, "Miss?"?
Asked by NowWhat | 65 responses