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(NSFW) What is the most inappropriate sexual advance that has ever been made to you?
Asked by flutherother | 96 responses -
Did I handle this situation in a poor manner?
Asked by cak | 61 responses -
Why is it so important to folks that Fluther changes to fit them?
Asked by Blondesjon | 114 responses -
Jellies with social anxiety or agoraphobia: do you find that friends/family pressure you into social obligations, then get angry if you back out?
Asked by ANef_is_Enuf | 16 responses -
Does repeatedly careless spelling and total disregard of grammar justify criticism?
Asked by Dr_Lawrence | 69 responses -
Am I the only person left on the planet who believes in manners?
Asked by Pandora | 45 responses -
If your spouse won't go, do you go alone?
Asked by wundayatta | 29 responses -
What do you do when you're having your teeth cleaned and the dental hygienist's boobs push against your head?
Asked by LuckyGuy | 57 responses -
How do I convince a new boyfriend to get an STD test?
Asked by furious_rose | 13 responses -
Is it mean to discourage people?
Asked by nikipedia | 23 responses -
Ladies, how would you feel if a random woman told you you were beautiful?
Asked by MissAnthrope | 34 responses -
What do you do when you don't receive an invitation to a friend's party?
Asked by wundayatta | 9 responses -
My friend is picking his nose and eating it in public. Should I just bring it up and say something? Or do I just let him keep living his happy life doing his thing? If I should bring it up, how?
Asked by cinquestar | 50 responses -
Filling out Christmas cards as a young, single adult woman?
Asked by Politically | 14 responses -
How would you manage this traffic and tardiness issue?
Asked by nikipedia | 19 responses -
Is texting in a small social gathering sort of rude, in the same way that whispering might be regarded as rude?
Asked by josie | 27 responses -
How would you handle this somewhat delicate situation (see details)?
Asked by WillWorkForChocolate | 29 responses -
Why is misjudging time worse than misjudging space?
Asked by nikipedia | 31 responses -
Does anyone but me think that general politeness and manners should be taught in school?
Asked by Captain_Tetanus | 49 responses -
Do you carry your real life manners onto the internet?
Asked by TheProfoundPorcupine | 28 responses -
Should a French dinosaur address a small boy as "tu" or "vous"?
Asked by janbb | 57 responses -
Do you get (mildly) annoyed when a cashier asks, "Did you find everything you need"?
Asked by Love_my_doggie | 35 responses -
When did it become acceptable for a man to eat at a restaurant while wearing a hat?
Asked by Ron_C | 48 responses -
Why is pointing considered rude?
Asked by Nimis from iPhone | 19 responses -
(NSFW) What does it take for you to unfacebook someone?
Asked by nikipedia | 37 responses