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Married jellies: have you ever considered divorce?
Asked by livelaughlove21 from iPhone | 22 responses -
Have you ever witnessed an affair?
Asked by stardust | 37 responses -
(NSFW) How do you feel about men who sleep around before marriage, but feel that women should save their virginity for their husbands?
Asked by AnonymousWoman | 37 responses -
What has made your marriage last?
Asked by Sunny2 | 24 responses -
Can Muslims date non-Muslims?
Asked by jjd2006 | 37 responses -
Have you ever been at a wedding where someone stood up and protested the marriage? What came of it?
Asked by Esedess | 13 responses -
Abusive-Verbal/Mental/Physical - Please help me!
Asked by Sycorax | 111 responses -
How can I know when I'm most fertile??
Asked by AloraCrimson | 5 responses -
Why does the marriage institution exists?
Asked by arturodiaz | 22 responses -
How should I handle my marriage and my money?
Asked by Tumi | 22 responses -
Did you ever divorce someone you still loved?
Asked by wundayatta | 10 responses -
What is it like to experience the death of a partner?
Asked by girlofscience | 19 responses -
Where is the line with the in-laws?
Asked by sleepdoc | 26 responses -
Who is defending DOMA to the Supreme Court?
Asked by Judi | 10 responses -
Why does my mum keep hassling me about making her a grandmother? (Or not making one her as the case currently stands)
Asked by JeffVader | 46 responses -
What is the most annoying quirk your spouse or boy/girlfriend has that you hate the most?
Asked by Baddreamer27 | 58 responses -
Have you had more success in relationships with people who have careers similar to yours, or completely the opposite from you?
Asked by Emilyy | 26 responses -
Should I proceed with an impending live-in arrangement?
Asked by plethora | 27 responses -
Anyone feel like life is just passing you by?
Asked by Harper1234 | 6 responses -
Those of you telling your children to wait until marriage to have sex, do you expect they will be married fairly young?
Asked by JLeslie | 31 responses -
NSFW Not sure how to feel over a bruise?
Asked by bell0804 | 8 responses -
How should I deal with my wife?
Asked by schwabbie28 | 39 responses -
Is it normal to be terrified of losing your significant other?
Asked by missjena from iPhone | 26 responses -
What have you learned this week that you did not know last week?
Asked by rojo | 27 responses -
What would you do if your celebrity crush did this to you but you were in a relationship?
Asked by chelle21689 | 33 responses