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Question to the Brits about Graham Norton?
Asked by tinyfaery | 7 responses -
Am I becoming a prude?
Asked by faye | 18 responses -
Whats your favourite film opening?
Asked by simplelined | 25 responses -
My laptop has an HDMI output. Can I hook it directly to the TV or do I need a hardware interface?
Asked by Rarebear | 11 responses -
How does the death of Osama Bin Laden compare to the death of Adolf Hitler?
Asked by jessifer1212 | 22 responses -
What veterinary-related 2 or 3 minute video clips would you find helpful?
Asked by syz | 18 responses -
Should journalists use videos on their cell phones to jog the memories of people they interview?
Asked by LostInParadise | 1 response -
What effect does advertising have on society and individuals in general?
Asked by cma123 | 4 responses -
What video player do you use?
Asked by Paul | 7 responses -
Companies have branding guidelines where they don’t advertise their services on disposable material (i.e. napkins). What are ways to overcome their concerns?
Asked by directsynergy | 13 responses -
How much time for how much text?
Asked by nomtastic | 3 responses -
Do you view Penn and Teller's media appeal didactic or dictatorial?
Asked by mee_ouch | 8 responses -
WITHOUT looking up the numbers, how many Iraqi civilians do you think have been killed by the US since the invasion of 2003?
Asked by benjaminlevi | 19 responses -
In TV broadcasting, what is the difference between an affiliate and an O&O (Owned & Operated) station?
Asked by occ | 3 responses -
How well does Time Capsule work for watching movies?
Asked by b | 3 responses -
For the Adobe Premier Jedi. After importing a video can I delete the original file from my harddrive?
Asked by drClaw | 2 responses -
What criteria are most important when shopping for a light box?
Asked by ECassandra | 3 responses -
Have you ever, in your life, watched the news, following a news teaser, and actually felt satisfied, informed and newly knowleadgeable about the news report's subject?
Asked by Kraigmo | 14 responses -
Is it legal to screenshot quotes from random academic essays and not cite them on instagram?
Asked by dopeguru | 8 responses