medical school
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What stereotypes do you believe about the various types graduate and professional students?
Asked by girlofscience | 22 responses -
Can I become a doctor with essential tremors?
Asked by jdubu2two | 13 responses -
What does an accepted medical school applicant profile look like?
Asked by savannahleslie | 2 responses -
Will medical schools consider my application?
Asked by sarahgrahs | 8 responses -
What, if anything, can be done to address the cadaver shortage hitting medical schools?
Asked by elbanditoroso | 32 responses -
Have you heard of the new proposed work hours rules for medical residents? If so, any opinions?
Asked by Flavio | 13 responses -
Nursing school or biology degree?
Asked by travelbabe24 from iPhone | 26 responses -
Which US medical schools should I consider? ยท?
Asked by sheila94 | 7 responses -
Has a surgeon ever seen something unique in a human that they are operating on?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 5 responses -
Is it true that some medical schools reserve a portion of their new admissions for people who commit to military duty?
Asked by jca | 4 responses -
Med School just a dream?
Asked by travelbabe24 from iPhone | 19 responses -
What should I include in a "studying survival kit" as a gift for friends studying for the Bar exam and/or med school boards?
Asked by occ | 8 responses -
Which smart phones/PDAs are sufficient for med students?
Asked by AlexChoi | 1 response -
Did you see that there is a medical school (in Tennessee?) that promises an education with only three years? and less cost?
Asked by skfinkel | 8 responses -
Can I apply to medical school with marks from a one-year degree?
Asked by MissRosie81 | 7 responses