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What does it feel like to go through menopause?
Asked by madsmom1030 | 17 responses -
If Partial Borth Abortion is legal...would you perform the murderous procedure?
Asked by watchman220 | 105 responses -
If you pick up disablility from one job, can you still apply to other jobs? Government jobs...
Asked by sanbuu | 1 response -
Does anybody know, how Medicare works? And how you qualify?
Asked by sanbuu from iPhone | 15 responses -
What is the difference between nitrites and nitrates?
Asked by losalfans | 8 responses -
Why do some ppl's feet stink, while others don't?
Asked by deaddolly | 45 responses -
Can a bullseye rash be attributed to anything other than Lyme Disease?
Asked by Tennis5tar | 19 responses -
What is clinical depression and how is it diagnosed?
Asked by shrubbery | 21 responses -
If a friend of yours needed a kidney to save his/her life, would you be willing to donate one of yours?
Asked by JackAdams | 25 responses -
If I take vicodin with alcohol, is it dangerous?
Asked by pplufthesun | 43 responses -
Anyone else having a horrible time with your EYES during this allergy season?
Asked by deaddolly | 9 responses -
Anyone ever have a colonoscopy? Any advice?
Asked by deaddolly | 64 responses -
Ladies: Do you prefer a female or male gynecologist?
Asked by deaddolly | 44 responses -
What does everyone think about Christina Applegate's decision regarding her breast cancer?
Asked by deaddolly | 14 responses -
Has Anyone here ever had a Pilonidal cyst?
Asked by serenityNOW | 8 responses -
Did you know I was in the hospital?
Asked by tWrex | 23 responses -
Anyone familiar with TENS unit for spasticity?
Asked by pallen123 | 2 responses -
Tagamet/Zantac for wasp/yellow jacket stings?
Asked by Snoopy | 17 responses -
Do you know anyone who runs medical imaging equipment like MRI, CT Scan, laproscopic support equipment?
Asked by tekn0lust | 9 responses -
Any ideas on how I can get money for a medical procedure that I absolutely need but insurance doesn't cover?
Asked by jcs007 | 14 responses -
When they take your blood pressure do they have to use the right arm?
Asked by jrpowell | 16 responses -
Connection between painful bladder/urination, vhanges in vision and psoriasis?
Asked by curiouslillady21 | 7 responses -
Question about antiseptics and soap?
Asked by tinyfaery | 13 responses -
How the heck are you supposed to bathe with a cast?
Asked by Poser | 16 responses -
How can I find a reasonable health insurance policy?
Asked by lapilofu | 7 responses