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Where you ever in a terrible situation, or state of thinking, or routine that you managed to get out of?
Asked by Just_Justine | 24 responses -
[NSFW] Why do guys say "you're so tight"?
Asked by iLove from iPhone | 42 responses -
Given a chance would you like to be a man or a woman again? Why or why not?
Asked by gamefu91 | 22 responses -
Is there a difference between opinions and judgments?
Asked by wundayatta | 26 responses -
[NSFW] If you do this a lot, does it hurt? See inside.
Asked by Shippy | 23 responses -
Your place or theirs?
Asked by CugelTheClueless | 28 responses -
Why on earth would any male actually think a woman would want an unsolicited picture of his penis?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 37 responses -
What are some reasons someone would be 'hot and cold'?
Asked by MissAnthrope | 25 responses -
What are the ways someone manipulates you, yet you allow it because you find it amusing if not just totally love it?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 6 responses -
I don't understand this guy at all... Can someone help?
Asked by tashasudo | 14 responses -
Why do men try to fix things?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 46 responses -
Do I write like a girl?
Asked by phoenyx | 67 responses -
(Sort of NSFW) Would you want your current partner to of been your only partner?
Asked by Sophief | 27 responses -
Why do some men, have this highschool jock complex; where they want the hot girl, want to be popular, etc, even when they've passed 30?
Asked by almostalice | 24 responses -
And furthermore....Men, what are 5 things you wish women knew?
Asked by nocountry2 | 37 responses -
Do you use attractivness, or let yourself be influenced by attractiveness in interpersonal relationships?
Asked by wundayatta | 30 responses -
What are your dating "rules"?
Asked by MissAnthrope | 13 responses -
[[NSFW]]! Should I feel violated? What should I do?
Asked by Everest | 39 responses -
Do you think anything would change if traditional gender roles were reveresed for one day?
Asked by ubersiren | 32 responses -
Have you ever had to break up with someone you weren't even actually dating?
Asked by ohmyword | 12 responses -
Why is there so much hatred in the world towards women ?
Asked by partyrock | 46 responses -
What is some of the information contained in the unwritten book "Womens' Rules for Men"?
Asked by rojo | 58 responses -
Boys in the bathroom question: Why don’t the guys use a bit of TP instead of just dripping about after they're finished peeing?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 65 responses -
[NSFW] Guys, at what age and in what manner did you discover masturbation?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 19 responses -
What is the appeal of someone like Andrew Tate and other "toxic masculinity" peddlars?
Asked by Locke | 5 responses