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Should celebrities accused of sexual misconduct still be innocent until proven guilty?
Asked by Demosthenes | 40 responses -
MEN: Would you tell a girl if her fly was unzipped?
Asked by flip86 | 25 responses -
What sports exist that have men and women fully integrated ?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 11 responses -
Parents: does your partner take half of the parental load?
Asked by Simone_De_Beauvoir | 23 responses -
Should there be health warnings on airbrushed/photoshopped pictures?
Asked by Simone_De_Beauvoir | 150 responses -
What should you do when a guy you kind of have a relationship with just wants to be friends?
Asked by swifflexx3 | 34 responses -
What are some stereotypes about men and women you've heard (or even grown up with) and what ones do you agree or disagree with?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 69 responses -
Why do most women hate beards?
Asked by Tbag | 43 responses -
Do you put up with more from the opposite sex than they put up with from you?
Asked by wundayatta | 21 responses -
(NSFW) Ladies, when you see a hot guy, what runs through your head first?
Asked by wgallios | 42 responses -
Reason for pointing out quirks?
Asked by Headhurts | 47 responses -
What are real signs that someone is flirting with you? Male and Female?
Asked by RedKnight | 7 responses -
Is the #metoo movement widening the divide between men and women?
Asked by Demosthenes | 7 responses -
Why does talking on the phone cause some men to continuously "readjust"?
Asked by spendy | 31 responses -
What kind of crazy things have you done because of your fear of loss?
Asked by wundayatta | 8 responses -
Do women who have hourglass figures produce more estrogen?
Asked by partyrock | 10 responses -
Besides the inability to produce sperm, is there anything women cannot do, let alone do as well if not better than men?
Asked by prolificus | 159 responses -
[NSFW] If you like men, which natural male scents do you like and which do you loathe?
Asked by ETpro | 21 responses -
Men, did you ever think you could answer the question, "What do women want?"?
Asked by wundayatta | 27 responses -
Why is my hair coming out?
Asked by jdogg from iPhone | 11 responses -
The guy I like is with another girl. Should I stay away from him?
Asked by 15barcam | 13 responses -
Is "Women should have more power than men"/"Women should rule the world" a good thing to promote? Why or why not?
Asked by flo | 51 responses -
What is it about certain girls that draws them to gay guys, and draws gay guys to them?
Asked by poofandmook | 21 responses -
When youre single, besides a bar or nightclub, where have you found are good places to go to meet people you could potentially date?
Asked by sprstar from iPhone | 29 responses -
How can I get rid of my weirdo radar?
Asked by tamkli3 | 54 responses