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What misconceptions did you have when you were younger?
Asked by ilvorangeiceblocks | 76 responses -
What would be a reasonable adjustment period for new glasses?
Asked by RandomGirl from iPhone | 19 responses -
Oops, I blundered? Have you made any zany mistakes, lately?
Asked by zensky | 16 responses -
Have you done anything really stupid but harmless lately?
Asked by bookish1 | 20 responses -
Have you ever had a "happy accident"?
Asked by Self_Consuming_Cannibal | 15 responses -
If you are debating with someone, and you come to realize that they are far more intelligent than you and far better informed on the topic, does that impact your belief that you are right?
Asked by ETpro | 22 responses -
How do you deal with failure?
Asked by fremen_warrior | 23 responses -
Do you know anyone who's ever been "Hoisted by his/her own petard"?
Asked by NosyBut | 6 responses -
Would you sit through a film, countless times in slow motion, in order to discover its "goofs"?
Asked by zensky | 14 responses -
How can I best apologize and make it up to a dear friend?
Asked by jsc3791 | 12 responses -
Can you tell us one thing that you really and truly learned from someone else's mistake?
Asked by Jeruba | 12 responses -
What's the funniest [sic] notation you've ever seen?
Asked by ETpro | 11 responses -
Why is it easy to prove someone is dead but not so easy to prove that they're still alive?
Asked by AshlynM | 7 responses -
How would I pay a tip after the fact?
Asked by YARNLADY | 11 responses -
How do I fix this..if I even can?
Asked by coastiegirl96 | 21 responses -
Have you ever been scared of yourself?
Asked by this_velvet_glove | 19 responses -
Sometimes, kid's get murdered for their pants. (misheard lyrics question)
Asked by mowens | 27 responses -
What's the stupidest mistake you've ever made?
Asked by nikipedia | 18 responses -
How would this interaction make you feel (see details)?
Asked by JeSuisRickSpringfield | 17 responses -
How often do you read things wrong and get a good laugh from it?
Asked by WillWorkForChocolate | 11 responses -
How would you grade yourself for 2011 with Q @ A on Fluther?
Asked by john65pennington | 34 responses -
Have you ever accidentally answered the wrong question?
Asked by keobooks | 40 responses -
Why does Rick Perry persist (details)?
Asked by Blackberry | 44 responses -
Is it possible to learn from another person's mistake?
Asked by Ayesha | 20 responses -
Does this annoy you? (Inside)
Asked by Luiveton | 113 responses