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How would you tackle this moral dilemma involving an injured kitten?
Asked by Emilyy | 29 responses -
How can people who eat fish and eggs call themselves vegetarians?
Asked by timothykinney | 48 responses -
Is Fluther incorporated?
Asked by susanc | 19 responses -
How does companies donating profits to charities affect your purchasing?
Asked by Spargett | 15 responses -
Infinite Regression or Levitating Super Turtle?
Asked by shrubbery | 30 responses -
Are you judgmental?
Asked by SuperMouse | 29 responses -
Why is war not considered murder?
Asked by jacksonRice | 41 responses -
What does it mean to forgive, and does everybody deserve it?
Asked by tinyfaery | 37 responses -
If animals consume other animals for their own survival, then why is it so immoral for humans to eat other animals?
Asked by PoiPoi | 33 responses -
Could society function without religion?
Asked by BronxLens | 35 responses -
Is it morally wrong to not say anything?
Asked by Adina1968 | 23 responses -
Does a little revenge do a body good?
Asked by DeezerQueue | 14 responses -
Do I dare ask how many?
Asked by spendy | 61 responses -
From an evolutionary standpoint, what are the benefits of ideas such as ethics, morality and conscience?
Asked by Poser | 23 responses -
If you were superman, would you abuse your powers?
Asked by Lightbringer | 6 responses -
How does having a child changed your perception of the city (and city living)?
Asked by lifeflame | 27 responses -
Do you live by absolute or relative morals and truths?
Asked by kevbo | 62 responses