music business
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I am 30, jobless, unemployed, and still living with parents, despite all my potential. Is there still hope, or not?
Asked by niki | 64 responses -
Do you like movie soundtracks?
Asked by zen_ | 31 responses -
What are some of your favorite bands/groups and why?
Asked by NostalgicChills | 19 responses -
Was the half time show super ironic?
Asked by wundayatta | 25 responses -
Is it too late for me to become a famous artist/musician? Also, is fame important?
Asked by niki | 31 responses -
How much do you spend on music per year?
Asked by LuckyGuy | 42 responses -
Does anyone listen to World Music here?
Asked by _Liliya_ | 36 responses -
Do you think he is off-key and "worse" in this live performance? Can you hear when someone is off-key?
Asked by seazen_ | 14 responses -
What defines a band, a group, a project?
Asked by SecondHandStoke | 7 responses -
How does musicians (& artists) cope with Reality or real life?
Asked by niki | 33 responses -
What should a musician's Performance fee be for prestigious corporate gig?
Asked by adr | 5 responses -
What is your favorite one hit wonder?
Asked by bookish1 | 23 responses -
What should we name our flute/harp duo?
Asked by melanie81 | 44 responses -
Where do I start in the music industry of being an A&R Rep?
Asked by ShadesOfWhite | 7 responses -
Can I give away a CD with music to my customers?
Asked by grrgold | 6 responses -
Should we make people pay for music, or let them pay for for it?
Asked by ETpro | 14 responses -
Who here thinks Adam Lambert's performance went over the line?
Asked by justme1 | 46 responses -
Name one way we can clean up the music industry.
Asked by dreamwolf | 22 responses -
How much profit do bands make off of CD's?
Asked by BarefootChris | 6 responses -
If I use my own cover of a song in a student film, do I still have to pay rights to use the song?
Asked by Carly | 11 responses -
How is money split amongst band members especially with a touring singer-songwriter?
Asked by pleiades | 4 responses -
Do you think Led Zeppelin ripped off Spirit?
Asked by Strauss | 12 responses -
Is recording technology/audio production a good major to pursue?
Asked by Palindrome | 8 responses -
Will you tell us about the best and worst concerts you have been to?
Asked by bookish1 | 25 responses -
What are some good British rap/hip-hop groups?
Asked by guitargirl93 | 8 responses