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Swiss Folk - German Folk - French Folk Can you name some interesting names?
Asked by Anatelostaxus | 12 responses -
Can you find the lyrics to one of the old "Kidsongs" songs, about heroes?
Asked by MrItty | 3 responses -
Any tips for Michael Jackson Tickets?
Asked by futurelaker88 | 35 responses -
To bathroom together or not to bathroom together, that is the question:?
Asked by bigbanana | 38 responses -
What key is Aaron Copland's "Billy the Kid" introduction in?
Asked by zarnold | 3 responses -
Favorite song by an ex-Beatle?
Asked by Jude | 19 responses -
What percentage does the venue take when hosting a gig?
Asked by plasticpen from iPhone | 8 responses -
Any RCM piano players out there?
Asked by Laina | 1 response -
Why did Biggie name the song Juicy?
Asked by jdegrazia | 6 responses -
Best earbuds?
Asked by fortris | 12 responses -
Is there a good site or blog where music bands are thoroughly analyzed?
Asked by manuel_alarcon | 5 responses -
What are your favorite pieces of classical music?
Asked by asmonet | 42 responses -
What song is this?
Asked by KimJSCP | 14 responses -
Why if its illegal do they allow it?
Asked by sandystrachan | 27 responses -
What is the best free beat-making/electronic music program?
Asked by swingliner | 3 responses -
What's your favorite Beetles album?
Asked by Mtl_zack | 29 responses -
How do you think the whole Chris Brown- Rihanna thing will affect their careers?
Asked by punkrockworld | 26 responses -
To fellow Christians. Do you play your Christian music loudly?
Asked by NaturalMineralWater | 38 responses -
Gut wrenching music, anyone?
Asked by bigbanana | 28 responses -
Who is your Favorite on American Idol's Top 13 this season?
Asked by haleyray07 | 14 responses -
How do you find new local music in your area?
Asked by willbrawn | 15 responses -
Free/cheap live music in LA?
Asked by nikipedia | 5 responses -
Is there a simple tool to down convert the quality of mp3s for size purposes?
Asked by dalepetrie | 6 responses -
Runners: does this ring true for you, or am I just weird?
Asked by La_chica_gomela | 8 responses -
Do you like country music? What is your impression of it and how would you define it?
Asked by ronski | 25 responses