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What is the oldest copyrighted song?
Asked by lopolis | 5 responses -
what is the best music for getting it on?
Asked by sfgal | 8 responses -
What are your top 5 favorite songs right now?
Asked by dans85 | 12 responses -
Who are the players in a typical mariachi band?
Asked by kazwerd | 2 responses -
Who else sings on Cassandra Wilson's "Sankofa"?
Asked by LauratheRockStar | 3 responses -
Nashville: cool or not cool?
Asked by zina | 11 responses -
Are there any Afro Cuban Conga Classes you know of in New York City / Brooklyn?
Asked by Yefeyfia | 1 response -
Why aren't The Police playing any concerts in California?
Asked by lilakess | 3 responses -
what's bimbo's in san francisco like and do they have good food?
Asked by animar | 2 responses -
I've been out of the U.S. for 2+ years. I'll be returning later this year and want to catch up on good American movies, tv, music out after August 2004. Any suggestions about where to start?
Asked by awaytoolong | 29 responses -
Where is the center of art? music? writing? these days?
Asked by skfinkel | 13 responses -
What does 'make Melville blink' refer to?
Asked by JCS | 2 responses -
how much do radio stations have to pay the record companies in royalties per song they pay? how much goes to the artist?
Asked by Sandeep | 2 responses -
If you could go to Gerald Ford's or James Brown's funeral, which would it be?
Asked by nomtastic | 5 responses -
Red Hot Chilli Peppers is currently touring. What music is played during these shows?
Asked by Perchik | 3 responses -
What is the best kind of webcam for recording music?
Asked by theabk | 3 responses -
where do Astron basses come from?
Asked by anne_bacon | 1 response -
What does the African term "umbo weti" mean?
Asked by Hammer-T | 7 responses -
How many gig of your hide drive(s) is dedicated to iTunes downloads or ripped?
Asked by Modern_Classic | 11 responses -
What's the one CD you would take with you on a roadtrip if you could only bring one?
Asked by BCarlyle | 19 responses -
my opening act canceled tonight - who knows of an acoustic musician that can play tonight in oakland??
Asked by nomtastic | 3 responses -
Aside from iTunes, what options exist for (legally) downloading music files that can be played on an iPod?
Asked by kevin | 8 responses