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Any suggestions for a wedding dance between step-father and step-daughter?
Asked by filmfann | 19 responses -
What would you do if the only music in the whole world was DISCO?
Asked by Dig_Dug | 46 responses -
What is the language and the english translation of the samples on CocoRosie's song "R.I.P. Burn Face"?
Asked by Loominous | 2 responses -
What is this Latin American song?
Asked by weeveeship | 5 responses -
Is it just me who's in love with trance music?
Asked by Tbag | 8 responses -
Song ideas?
Asked by Jymeow | 9 responses -
How many potential songs / tunes are out there, yet to be discovered?
Asked by Yellowdog | 18 responses -
Do you have a favorite song by Tom Petty?
Asked by naconasong | 19 responses -
What should I do with my many earphones problem?
Asked by Tink from iPhone | 9 responses -
2011 is four months in; what are your favourite songs so far?
Asked by seazen_ | 21 responses -
Which version of Fiddlers Green do you like the best?
Asked by flo | 5 responses -
Is Phil Collins the least worthy Rock n Roll Hall of Fame inductee?
Asked by rem1981 | 16 responses -
What song has the lyrics, "I ain't got nobody, nobody cares for me"?
Asked by 2davidc8 | 7 responses -
Does this drummer drum like he's 73 years old?
Asked by Strauss | 3 responses -
What was the name of the group with the 90's hit that included monks chanting?
Asked by syz | 14 responses -
Philly area Flutherers: I have an extra ticket to the Bonnie Raitt / Taj Mahal show at the Mann on Saturday. Would anyone be interested in joining me?
Asked by hearkat | 12 responses -
Can anyone name the songs and bands from the following compilation?
Asked by xxyrius | 7 responses -
Does anyone know the artist/singer who is on a CNN commercial? Her name is "Belinda" Something?
Asked by DarlingRhadamanthus | 13 responses -
Who won the Nada Surf "Weightless" video contest?
Asked by ccrash3 | 1 response -
Have you ever stood on a corner in Winslow Arizona?
Asked by goober | 22 responses -
Sylvania Mp3 Video Player Format error?
Asked by Resistka | 3 responses -
Music Theory: Need help with chords/song writing?
Asked by Steve_A | 35 responses -
Do you know Squarepusher?
Asked by o0 | 9 responses -
Do you think the music or movies certain people like does something to their personality?
Asked by arielrockshardcore | 14 responses -
Do you think your 5 most played songs on i-tunes (or whatever you use) summarize your taste in music?
Asked by deni | 21 responses