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What's your favourite album of 2010 so far?
Asked by jonnyhoar | 9 responses -
Can you "cure" someone that's tone deaf?
Asked by troubleinharlem | 12 responses -
Would anyone like nominate a candidate for the perfect pop song?
Asked by jaketheripper | 27 responses -
Where did Blues music originate?
Asked by wolfram | 10 responses -
Good Youtube Singers?
Asked by Gailfisher | 7 responses -
Any good acoustic music out there?
Asked by iam2smart99037 | 21 responses -
Your favourite Bond theme just happens to be?
Asked by ucme | 12 responses -
Is it wrong to think less of musicians, that neither play any instruments, nor write their own songs?
Asked by ragingloli | 19 responses -
Has anything new happened in music lately?
Asked by woodcutter | 12 responses -
Has the "Rock Ballad" died?
Asked by pezz | 11 responses -
Where can I get the beginnings of music videos with the words removed?
Asked by talljasperman | 2 responses -
What songs do you prefer to hear on arecord player?
Asked by Ltryptophan from iPhone | 6 responses -
Do bittersweet songs tend to cheer you up more than overly happy songs?
Asked by rockfan from iPhone | 2 responses -
Question about brain activity synthesized as music?
Asked by buckyboy28 | 6 responses -
What song have the qualitites of hit songs but somehow didn't become a big hits?
Asked by flo | 10 responses -
Guitarists: Do you use your capo for both acoustic and electric?
Asked by whitetigress | 13 responses -
For me, music is...
Asked by zensky | 19 responses -
Do most children have a natural sense of rhythm?
Asked by janbb | 20 responses -
Have you heard of I-Doser? If so, what is your opinion/experiences?
Asked by Foolaholic | 5 responses -
Do you know songs like this one? Same style, power?
Asked by rexpresso | 6 responses -
Please share any musical videos that emotionally move you?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 2 responses -
Do you have examples of copycatting in music, movies, tv, comics, etc.?
Asked by sushilovinfun | 15 responses -
Could anyone recommend what would be a better choice between Zooom H4N and Blue Iety?
Asked by eco | 3 responses -
Does anybody know any good japanese hip hop/rap music?
Asked by seenmaker | 7 responses -
How would you interpret this song if it showed up on a mixtape that was given to you?
Asked by TitsMcGhee | 14 responses