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What is this song called?
Asked by atr408 from iPhone | 6 responses -
What would be a good way to promote music?
Asked by mteutsch | 18 responses -
How do you keep your earbuds from getting tangled?
Asked by nikipedia | 9 responses -
How can MARIAH CAREY be selling 200 million records if no one will admit they like her?
Asked by margeryred | 12 responses -
What does bawitabadabangdabangdiggydiggy whatever kid rock says mean?
Asked by propanecertified | 14 responses -
I just got a new sound system. What is a source of FREE high quality music I can download or stream? Any song suggestions to make me REALLY appreciate 2200 watts?
Asked by pikipupiba | 10 responses -
Any ideas on how to improve my cello vibrato?
Asked by troubleinharlem | 10 responses -
What ticket seller should I use to purchase One Direction tickets at Soldier Field, Chicago?
Asked by jonsblond | 6 responses -
I dropped my new Ipod Nano, and can't tell if it affected sound quality?
Asked by VisionaryAdvait | 9 responses -
What "traditional Neapolitan song" is the basis for the song Un Monde Parfait?
Asked by PhiNotPi | 5 responses -
How to make a gathered song/mp3 into individual song/mp3's?
Asked by xTheDreamer | 3 responses -
Why do most of the lyrics used in Metal and Rock music seem meaningless?
Asked by archaeopteryx | 22 responses -
I'm desperate for new music. Would you please make some suggestions for me?
Asked by shrubbery | 27 responses -
Are there any new songs or music artists that you just discovered?
Asked by Joker94 | 14 responses -
What is the best way to learn to play guitar?
Asked by squilky | 33 responses -
Which tumblr name should I use?
Asked by comicalmayhem | 4 responses -
What songs are these?
Asked by XOIIO from iPhone | 6 responses -
Why is music so fascinating?
Asked by JMCSD | 4 responses -
Do you feel guilty about downloading pirated music?
Asked by PupnTaco from iPhone | 19 responses -
What do you think of "hardcore" music?
Asked by chutterhanban | 37 responses -
Is there a sad song out there that makes you feel better and if yes, why do you think?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 9 responses -
What online games are in lately?
Asked by tomokawaii | 10 responses -
What can I do so my iPod won't fall on the ground and my earphones won't fall out of my ears or get tangled when I am listening to music at night till I wake up in the morning?
Asked by Londonfrance from iPhone | 9 responses -
Can anyone recommend some nice piano music?
Asked by Foolaholic | 13 responses -
Why can't I buy Pink Floyd's "Echoes" on iTunes?
Asked by Mamradpivo | 7 responses