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Which cartoon theme songs/tunes are/were your favourites?
Asked by ucme | 27 responses -
Have you seen the twins listen to song for the first time?
Asked by JLeslie from iPhone | 3 responses -
What is your favorite music cover?
Asked by Fallstand | 51 responses -
What does "Champagne Supernova" mean?
Asked by TheTips2 | 17 responses -
Where do you find your inspiration?
Asked by warribbons | 6 responses -
What decade has the worst music?
Asked by Charles | 23 responses -
If I want to learn to play the piano do I have to have a actual piano in the house?
Asked by desiree333 | 17 responses -
Can you refer me to an artist that is a mix of blues and rock a billy?
Asked by CuriousLoner | 6 responses -
Can anyone recommend good online radio stations or programs?
Asked by chevelle | 11 responses -
What do you think of when you hear '70s music?
Asked by charliecompany34 | 39 responses -
Song lyrics about being lonely?
Asked by ANef_is_Enuf | 20 responses -
What is a good BitTorrent site to find non-U.S. music?
Asked by shockvalue | 7 responses -
If you had to have one piece of music softly playing in your mind for the rest of your life, what would you want it to be?
Asked by themherme | 41 responses -
Do you know all the words to Tiny Bubbles?
Asked by Here2_4 | 15 responses -
What makes a good album for you?
Asked by whitetigress | 4 responses -
I am having some problems with my record player.
Asked by Cammy511 | 17 responses -
What the heck is this Dolly Parton music video/song?
Asked by global_nomad | 5 responses -
Whats your favorite driving music?
Asked by El_Cadejo | 28 responses -
What lesser known music artists do you recommend based on my list of favorites?
Asked by rockfan from iPhone | 6 responses -
If someone asked to be your apprentice and learn all that you know, what would you teach them?
Asked by Vignette | 9 responses -
Anybody here go to woodstock?
Asked by adri027 | 11 responses -
I understand some people don't like rap or hip-hop, but do you agree that some of it is great?
Asked by Blackberry | 39 responses -
Anyone else see music or numbers in color?
Asked by SeekerSeekiing | 20 responses -
Can someone identify the name of this song in this clip?
Asked by rawrgrr | 7 responses -
Anyone here seen Paul McCartney live? If so, what was he like?
Asked by Mama_Cakes | 6 responses