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What is a song everybody should hear before they die?
Asked by ShauneP82 | 17 responses -
What is your favourite Dylan song?
Asked by yannick | 19 responses -
Do Cover Bands rip off artists without buying the rights to the songs?
Asked by windex | 3 responses -
How do I delete songs on my ipod nano?
Asked by babygalll | 6 responses -
What's your favorite Paramore song?
Asked by atr408 from iPhone | 36 responses -
What is your favorite Christmas Song?
Asked by GAMBIT | 26 responses -
Can you suggest a way to keep changing the music on my iPhone?
Asked by Lightlyseared from iPhone | 3 responses -
Graphic Design: Client wants too many pictures, what to do?
Asked by windex | 20 responses -
Why if its illegal do they allow it?
Asked by sandystrachan | 27 responses -
I got a bass guitar!!! Any tips?
Asked by klaas4 | 21 responses -
Audio pros: what is this effect called?
Asked by PupnTaco | 5 responses -
Where gets a Band money from for a recording production (Album) , if not from a label?
Asked by monolisa | 13 responses -
Do you listen to john 5?
Asked by iwamoto | 6 responses -
Do you often change the lyrics to a song in your head?
Asked by Arbornaut | 16 responses -
Piano tutorial on this song?
Asked by itsjustcruel | 1 response -
What are your top 5 music Genre’s?
Asked by Jay484 | 26 responses -
How can I get my music to play on the radio?
Asked by Mandeblind from iPhone | 4 responses -
Song idea for a motivational speech?
Asked by MetroGnome217 | 14 responses -
Who would I address this petition to?
Asked by Ten4 | 6 responses -
Do you know any good acoustic guitar soloists?
Asked by glenjamin | 14 responses -
Do I need to learn music theory to become proficient with Guitar?
Asked by majorrich | 10 responses -
What's the name of this song?
Asked by MilkyWay | 7 responses -
Is there a stereo system that will record my vinyl records and cassette tapes onto CDs?
Asked by silky1 | 4 responses -
Can I buy the playlists that you hear in Hollister?
Asked by josie | 4 responses -
How to start out as a music talent manager?
Asked by EliasProctor | 3 responses