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Anybody here go to woodstock?
Asked by adri027 | 11 responses -
Which Prince albums are worth owning?
Asked by christybird | 9 responses -
Do you like country music? What is your impression of it and how would you define it?
Asked by ronski | 25 responses -
If career as musician is really hard to make money, then why so many people still want to be a musician?
Asked by niki | 19 responses -
What song is in your head today? #4?
Asked by ibstubro | 88 responses -
Were classical composers more of the 'exceptions' rather than the common?
Asked by niki | 8 responses -
Computer Musicians: Audio interface or USB mixer?
Asked by DeanV | 2 responses -
How many musicians actually listen to their own music on a regular basis?
Asked by RedmannX5 | 5 responses -
What are some good or well known Norwegian songs?
Asked by partyrock | 10 responses -
Is it OK for a background pianist to use sheet music?
Asked by Jillysback | 9 responses -
Who was the musician from India featured on NPR recently, and what was the catchy song they played a clip from?
Asked by ibstubro | 8 responses -
What should we name our flute/harp duo?
Asked by melanie81 | 44 responses -
I need helping finding difference between the Ric O Sound and the standard input of a Rickenbacker?
Asked by whitetigress | 1 response -
What makes people basically afraid of being a musician?
Asked by niki | 29 responses -
Can we pay our respects to someone who won't be "comin' 'round here no more"?
Asked by rojo | 19 responses -
Do you think Led Zeppelin ripped off Spirit?
Asked by Strauss | 12 responses -
What are some historic examples of a song recording, which could be recreated using modern technology?
Asked by gemmacastle | 3 responses -
Do musicians expect you to play or cover other bands?
Asked by Steve_A | 11 responses -
Where do I start in the music industry of being an A&R Rep?
Asked by ShadesOfWhite | 7 responses -
Is punk music dead?
Asked by TrkReznor | 15 responses -
I'm starting a band. Can you tell me what band name you like best from this list I came up with? :) Thanks!
Asked by raven2783 | 115 responses -
Who are the best all time 1960's pop groups?
Asked by dreamwolf | 30 responses -
Which successful famous musicians are definitely not a member of the illuminati?
Asked by MucizeHayat | 19 responses -
Can a female vocalist comfortably interact with a large group of male acoustic musicians?
Asked by uncluttermePLEZ2010 | 8 responses -
You just finished writing and recording your first album. What do you call it and what does the album art look like?
Asked by Randy | 12 responses