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If you had a friend that spoke to you in the way that you sometimes speak to yourself, how long would you allow that person to be your friend?
Asked by ANef_is_Enuf | 21 responses -
Why is being a loner and quiet seen as a negative thing?
Asked by Ultramarine_Ocean | 32 responses -
What crappy thing happened to you today?
Asked by Jude | 44 responses -
Why is lightning jagged instead of smooth?
Asked by Ltryptophan from iPhone | 8 responses -
Where are your dark thoughts coming from?
Asked by ucme | 17 responses -
What has to happen psychologically, do you think, before you stop feeling sorry for yourself?
Asked by nebule | 27 responses -
Why do schizophrenics only imagine bad things?
Asked by Vunessuh | 23 responses -
Do you feel Trump running the country as president is a positive or negative thing and why?
Asked by crazycool | 27 responses -
Is it more natural to have negative or positive emotions and thoughts?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 15 responses -
Do you consider yourself to be a positive person or a negative person and why?
Asked by Sweetpea | 23 responses -
Have you ever had something negative happen to you that ended up being the best thing to have happened? What was the situation?
Asked by NaturalMineralWater | 23 responses -
Is a funny bone an important part of who you are?
Asked by Silhouette | 13 responses -
Will withholding rewards encourage my cat to do his job?
Asked by Blueroses | 13 responses -
What do you think drives people to bicker with strangers on sites like this?
Asked by ucme | 32 responses -
What childhood books do you think are damaging?
Asked by JLeslie from iPhone | 45 responses -
Is it okay to talk about something positive in your life, or is it flaunting?
Asked by DominicX | 21 responses -
In three words, how would you describe humanity?
Asked by rebbel | 45 responses -
What are ways you try and look for the positives in negative situations?
Asked by MakeItSo1701 | 3 responses -
Do you have a positive attitude or a negative one?
Asked by Pandora | 20 responses -
Why does it feel negative (for some) to be called predictable?
Asked by rebbel | 9 responses -
Is caffeine bad for you?
Asked by CuriousLoner | 13 responses -
What is your reaction if someone assigns a negative trait to you, but considers it a good thing?
Asked by TitsMcGhee | 44 responses -
Where is the negative in Pascal's Wager?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 110 responses -
Do cell-phones have more positive effects than negative effects?
Asked by ahro0703 | 9 responses -
What are some positive ways to get attention?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 14 responses