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How much does blacktop contribute to heating the earth?
Asked by SquirrelEStuff | 4 responses -
Who has become this generation's George Seldes?
Asked by DaphneT | 4 responses -
Didn't NASA already put a landrover on Mars a couple time before the latest one?
Asked by Roby | 11 responses -
Should news media protect anonymous commenters on their on-line sites?
Asked by DaphneT | 8 responses -
What do you think about this comparison floating around on Facebook?
Asked by Ponderer983 | 27 responses -
Cancelling my NYTimes subscription - need suggestions for free online newspaper?
Asked by efritz | 6 responses -
What news program do you rely on?
Asked by Aesthetic_Mess | 15 responses -
How often and in what ways do you participate in or interact with online or print news and media content?
Asked by Bellatrix | 7 responses -
I get the news I need from _______________?
Asked by zensky | 32 responses -
Why do you think Ann Curry was never promoted to co-anchor on the Today Show?
Asked by JLeslie | 18 responses -
What are the long term effects of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico?
Asked by flutherother | 10 responses -
Which newspapers, news magazines have indefinite period of time to "post comment"?
Asked by flo | 7 responses -
What is the best news you've ever received?
Asked by harple | 24 responses -
Do you keep the radio on when you fall asleep?
Asked by wundayatta | 27 responses -
Is there anybody out there you would love interviewing if given the opportunity?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 18 responses -
What would you remember as the one major news story at the time of your childhood?
Asked by ucme | 59 responses -
Any news out there today that you don't actually care about?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 19 responses -
Have facts died? Here's the obituary.
Asked by ro_in_motion | 17 responses -
In the story of the Austin cop shooting the dog of an innocent man, did the cop approach the scene with a gun drawn or only as a result of the approaching dog?
Asked by YoKoolAid | 12 responses -
First, the extravagant GSA gathering in Las Vegas and now the Secret Service agents take 20 women to a Colombian hotel for, well, you know. Is the Government filming a new Spring Break or Porky's movie?
Asked by ro_in_motion | 13 responses -
Caption competition! Name that acronym caption to the news photo (#10).
Asked by rebbel | 11 responses -
Excuse me, but is Hillary Rosen running for president?
Asked by Judi from iPhone | 135 responses -
Caption competition! Name that acronym caption to the news photo (#9).
Asked by rebbel | 7 responses -
Caption competition! Name that acronym caption to the news photo (#8).
Asked by rebbel | 18 responses -
Caption competition! Name that acronym caption to the news photo (#7).
Asked by rebbel | 11 responses