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An American working in Sweden: Any ideas?
Asked by nuclear | 10 responses -
When did a majority of companies in the USA ship jobs overseas?
Asked by pleiades | 12 responses -
Do you think this is weird?
Asked by Intrepid | 16 responses -
Will you share your experiences with Overseas Humanitarian Work?
Asked by Praang | 4 responses -
Where is a place you went to that you will never ever go back to?
Asked by Cruiser | 45 responses -
Overseas flight: Do I exchange my currency at departure or arrival?
Asked by YARNLADY | 17 responses -
Would you be able to move overseas if it means that you had to leave your pet behind?
Asked by NaturallyMe | 64 responses -
Can I use my UK driving licence in the US?
Asked by bongo | 8 responses -
Should our Jobs Bill be used to create jobs overseas?
Asked by Cruiser | 23 responses -
What are the best abroad volunteer organizations aside from the Peace Corps?
Asked by sunyata_rakshasa | 5 responses -
How old would you have to be in order to go on volunteering trips overseas?
Asked by FlyingElephantWithGiganticEars | 6 responses -
Has anyone ever travelled to Thailand and been to a Muay Thai Boxing Camp?
Asked by Sariperana | 3 responses