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How are/were your parents to you?
Asked by Mimishu1995 | 11 responses -
Do you have any single-parent tips and tricks?
Asked by GloPro from iPhone | 12 responses -
In your family, were you the oldest child, the youngest, the middle or the only child, and how did it affect you as a child being brought up and now, as an adult?
Asked by jca | 25 responses -
What do you do when your 22 year old only wants to play video games?
Asked by Garebo | 35 responses -
Would you encourage your child to defy convention?
Asked by jonsblond | 30 responses -
What are the potential negative impacts of the ubiquitous nature of digital photography, particularly the cultural aspect and for kids growing up with it?
Asked by hearkat | 28 responses -
Do you treat boys a certain way, and girls another one?
Asked by longgone | 34 responses -
Childhood parties - who did you invite?
Asked by longgone | 15 responses -
Do/would you ask your child to invite a class mate they didn't like?
Asked by longgone | 24 responses -
What did you wear to your 8th grade graduation?
Asked by Judi | 21 responses -
Are your parents still together?
Asked by Gifted_With_Languages | 36 responses -
Ladies how long would you have to date someone before going on vacation with them?
Asked by FlyingWolf | 38 responses -
At what age do you believe it is acceptable to leave a child home alone?
Asked by Seek | 32 responses -
Should making a kid walk a mile home be against the law?
Asked by ibstubro | 53 responses -
Nonbelievers: How would you explain the death of a loved one to a child?
Asked by AshLeigh from iPhone | 29 responses -
Should I intervene with my daughter's sharing?
Asked by keobooks | 34 responses -
Parents, do you find it is easier for you to be the good cop or the bad cop?
Asked by FlyingWolf | 13 responses -
Do you treat your children the same?
Asked by GloPro from iPhone | 19 responses -
How much tv did you watch as a kid? Do/did you let your kids watch the same amount? More? Less?
Asked by FlyingWolf | 16 responses -
Has anyone taken their kid to work on Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day?
Asked by fluthernutter from iPhone | 10 responses -
Do most parents know what their child is up to?
Asked by raven860 | 14 responses -
What do think about parents who take their 1 year old and 3 year old on a months-long sailing trip on the Pacific, in which they end up needing to be rescued?
Asked by jca | 40 responses -
What act or acts by a mother justify her teen to never forgive her?
Asked by Aster | 29 responses -
Could she be faking?
Asked by longgone | 19 responses -
Who raised you?
Asked by longgone | 45 responses