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What should I do if I think my parents are drinking too much?
Asked by BBawlight | 28 responses -
Are my parents alcoholics?
Asked by rking1487 | 22 responses -
How to convince parents that I don't want to get married?
Asked by rmukherjee | 12 responses -
Why do many people end up having the same views as their parents and why do some rebel?
Asked by kingpinlovesyou | 14 responses -
If a kid injures my daughter on the school playground, are his parents liable for any medical charges incurred?
Asked by WillWorkForChocolate | 72 responses -
What's fair to expect of my dad after my parent's divorce?
Asked by funkdaddy | 19 responses -
Do you, or did you, get along with your parents?
Asked by Berserker | 28 responses -
Asperger's Syndrome, benefits of a full diagnosis?
Asked by sonic232 | 22 responses -
I dont know how to talk to my parents about this?
Asked by lou98 | 33 responses -
What would be an inappropriate remark to make on first meeting your new love's parents?
Asked by ucme | 53 responses -
What's wrong with not having kids?
Asked by Captain_Fantasy from iPhone | 54 responses -
So should we maybe stop punishments for children, full stop?
Asked by whitenoise | 155 responses -
Why do I get stressed when my stepmom makes me do a 'mindfulness stress relief exercise'?
Asked by kara_t | 87 responses -
Should parents speak to their children in their native language?
Asked by Stinley | 47 responses -
If you found out you were adopted, what would you do?
Asked by Dig_Dug | 29 responses -
What helped you get through the death of a parent?
Asked by raum from iPhone | 14 responses -
Anybody on fluther have a real life?
Asked by daytonamisticrip | 52 responses -
Is it normal to be scared Sh*tless when you are moving out?
Asked by windex | 20 responses -
Do parents give their children middle names so that the kids will know when they're in big trouble?
Asked by The_Compassionate_Heretic | 53 responses -
Who do your childhood belongings belong to?
Asked by casheroo | 59 responses -
If you wanted to ask your parents questions about their lives so that you could understand them more as a person outside of being a parent, what questions would you ask?
Asked by sarahpariso | 24 responses -
What are some things about your parents that annoy you?
Asked by bob_ | 44 responses -
Parents: Since becoming a parent what have you done that you swore you would never do?
Asked by OpryLeigh | 29 responses -
Am I overreacting?
Asked by dogkittycat from iPhone | 36 responses -
How does one cope with the decline of an aging parent?
Asked by anniereborn | 20 responses