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Do you think "I think, therefore I am" is true?
Asked by Russter | 55 responses -
Can you help me find a very specific John Muir quote?
Asked by jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities | 9 responses -
In your opinion, what is one of the most perfect human-made creations?
Asked by janbb | 34 responses -
How to balance morality and practicality?
Asked by weeveeship | 31 responses -
If you could go back to any moment in history, where would you go?
Asked by vocalthoughts | 36 responses -
What word defines rejecting a rejection?
Asked by avaeve | 23 responses -
Do you think that we encounter 'bad' people in our lives?
Asked by dopeguru | 12 responses -
Is providing aid to those that are in need, by groups with affiliations that incorporate sharing their faith or proselytizing while distributing the aid, a form of spiritual extortion or coercian?
Asked by teirem1 | 55 responses -
Do you think that religious groups that talk about the end of the world are promoting the end?
Asked by truecomedian | 18 responses -
Is there a meaningful difference between you and your brain?
Asked by kneck | 10 responses -
What causes a quantum state function to collapse?
Asked by timothykinney | 18 responses -
What's it like to be a philosopher for a living? (The practical aspects)
Asked by Fyrius | 26 responses -
Have you ever considered humans as cattle?
Asked by derekpaperscissors | 31 responses -
How would you describe the meaning of life for you?
Asked by Polly_Math | 19 responses -
Why Scientists and real Thinkers got paid very low in this capitalism system?
Asked by niki | 47 responses -
Is a box so big that you've never seen the walls still a box? Could you think outside that box?
Asked by wundayatta | 30 responses -
Can you define what is your idea of freedom?
Asked by antimatter | 13 responses -
If life is like a box of chocolates, do you eat your favorites first or last?
Asked by janbb | 32 responses -
Would you alter your appearance (in a way you don't like) for a job that would be either a lateral move , or a replaceable job?
Asked by MrGrimm888 | 20 responses -
"St. Augustine says that evil is the absence of good." Is this the way you believe?
Asked by rojo | 33 responses -
Does justice differ from revenge?
Asked by LostInParadise | 13 responses -
Is death the most important aspect of any human society?
Asked by Nially_Bob | 28 responses -
What if we are really alone in the Universe?
Asked by RocketSquid | 33 responses -
Do you have any examples of when it isn't always rational to be rational?
Asked by liminal | 25 responses -
What would you want to happen to your personal journals after you die?
Asked by nebule | 21 responses