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What is this small, white object buried in my yard?
Asked by lefteh | 19 responses -
What kind of small toys or devices click when you rotate them forwards and backwards? Seeking mechanism or design...
Asked by pallen123 | 10 responses -
I need ways to test/get data about homemade plastics. What can I do with Flexural Strength and Flexural Modulus...
Asked by mackyish | 2 responses -
What do you call the flexible plastic used on binder covers and file folders?
Asked by windsurfer | 1 response -
Where can I find flexible plastic?
Asked by waffles | 7 responses -
Where to learn Industrial design Model Making?
Asked by Jonathan_hodgkins | 4 responses -
How do I know what type of plastic a bottle is made of when there isn't a number in a triangle on it?
Asked by Lwells from iPhone | 2 responses -
How can I get rust streaks off of hard, formed plastic?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 18 responses -
Where can I find a wire about quarter inch thick and pliable?
Asked by ezraglenn | 3 responses -
Does anyone remember clackers?
Asked by john65pennington | 24 responses -
How do I remove plastic-based dye from my hands?
Asked by ezraglenn | 3 responses -
I want to create ball jointed dolls; can someone give me info on materials + process?
Asked by kutelilkat | 9 responses -
I am in need of Custom Plastic Cases, does anyone know a good place to get them?
Asked by DrewJ | 2 responses -
Just found chunks of plastic in my ice cream, what should I do?
Asked by jm5225 | 17 responses -
Where can I find mirrored plexiglas that is water resistant and has permanent anti-fog coating?
Asked by pallen123 | 1 response -
Is silicone a plastic?
Asked by surlygirl | 5 responses -
Are there costs for importing items from China shipped in large quantities by sea?
Asked by DrewJ | 4 responses -
Can you recommend a container or pitcher? see details...
Asked by boxing | 6 responses -
Can a t-shirt made out of PET melt in the dryer?
Asked by Carly | 4 responses -
Plastic typically oxidizes, or turns yellow, and becomes brittle with age. So, why are old music LPs still playable decades later?
Asked by 2davidc8 | 7 responses -
Can plastic ever completely biodegrade?
Asked by JoshLake | 8 responses -
Is a metal compass (for drawing cirlces) better than the plastic kind?
Asked by Spinel | 7 responses