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From a strictly musical point of view, which countries have good national anthems?
Asked by thorninmud | 17 responses -
When it comes to discussing solutions, how do you prefer these discussions to go?
Asked by AnonymousWoman | 5 responses -
What colors make you think "comfort" when it comes to clothing?
Asked by WillWorkForChocolate | 34 responses -
Which job/profession(s) do you consider sexy?
Asked by tups | 25 responses -
Blondes or Brunettes or doesn't matter?
Asked by 15acrabm | 29 responses -
Are you opposed to buying used clothing from a thrift store?
Asked by mangeons | 45 responses -
What brand of coffee do you prefer for the coffee you make at home?
Asked by jca | 50 responses -
Give me one or two facts that no one knows about you?
Asked by Jude | 47 responses -
Are you someone who prefers desserts that are NOT chocolate?
Asked by Sunny2 | 29 responses -
What are the best and the worst of high school mascots?
Asked by jonsblond | 6 responses -
Ladies: What are your rules and preferences for men wearing baseball caps?
Asked by YoKoolAid | 16 responses -
Do you like the books, or the movies better?
Asked by blueberry_kid | 19 responses -
Duplicate question #1 gazillion: Who is currently your favorite author?
Asked by WillWorkForChocolate | 28 responses -
Do you see something "wrong" with people who enjoy body art?
Asked by WillWorkForChocolate | 99 responses -
What's something that you like that is generally considered unpopular?
Asked by KatawaGrey | 52 responses -
NSFW: Do you think we are born with our preferences or do they arise from life experience?
Asked by Mariah | 18 responses -
How do you react to food/drink you don't like?
Asked by harple | 24 responses -
Is the Thanksgiving meal a treat because we only do it once a year, or would we like it just as much if we did it all the time?
Asked by wundayatta | 8 responses -
What's more important to you in a song: the lyrics or the music?
Asked by Mariah | 26 responses -
What do you think causes preferences in a partner?
Asked by Repo_the_Genetic_Opera from iPhone | 20 responses -
Do you know why you like a particular genre of film, tv show etcetera?
Asked by zensky | 8 responses -
If you could own any weapon from a game/movie, which would you choose & why?
Asked by ucme | 43 responses -
How much of what you do or don't do is based on other people's perceptions of those actions?
Asked by Facade | 12 responses -
Is there a way to make "Social" the default category?
Asked by MrItty | 8 responses -
What kind of computer do you use?
Asked by Spallybob1232 | 25 responses