presidential election
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Who scares you more Trump or Cruz?
Asked by Rarebear | 28 responses -
Do you think Ted Cruz now has an unstoppable momentum and will overtake Trump?
Asked by jca | 8 responses -
If Marco Rubio is no longer a contender for the Republican Presidential nomination, but is allowed to retain control of the Rubio delagates at the nominating convention, how will that change future Presidential races and conventions?
Asked by ibstubro | 7 responses -
Can I sign the petition in support of open carry guns at the Republican Convention anonymously?
Asked by ibstubro | 88 responses -
Big picture, what do you think the chances are that Judge Merrick Garland will eventually be confirmed to the Supreme Court? [Details]?
Asked by ibstubro | 9 responses -
Rubio's out. Can the Republican party survive Trump's nomination?
Asked by stanleybmanly from iPhone | 51 responses -
Has the current American Presidential election contest made you dread reviewing the most current daily news feed?
Asked by ibstubro | 20 responses -
US 2016 voters: In 5 words, could you tell us what this election says about today's America?
Asked by ucme | 37 responses -
How do you feel about former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg's announcement today that he would not mount an independent bid for the U.S. presidency?
Asked by ibstubro | 13 responses -
Trump doubters, What if? See details...
Asked by Here2_4 | 30 responses -
What would happen if the whole nation put in Jack Daniels for the general election as their pick?
Asked by Pandora | 13 responses -
How successful do you think Caitlyn Jenner will be acting as Ted Cruz's "Trans Ambassador"?
Asked by ibstubro | 12 responses -
If Hillary Clinton wins the American presidential race despite a huge status-quo protest vote, and she then spars with an obstructionist Republican congress for one term, what happens in four years??
Asked by ibstubro | 21 responses -
What happens if someone votes for a defunct candidate on the Presidental Primary ballot?
Asked by Seek | 9 responses -
How will you vote?
Asked by filmfann | 47 responses -
How is Ted Cruz eligible to run for President when he was not born in the US or on American soil?
Asked by jca | 29 responses -
Do you find it illogical that Republicans are saying that nomination of a new Supreme Court justice should wait until we have a new president?
Asked by jca | 33 responses -
If Trump were to be elected President...specifically how would he negatively impact your life and our country...OR how might he help improve your life and our country?
Asked by Cruiser | 64 responses -
Why does everyone hate Hillary Clinton?
Asked by trolltoll | 90 responses -
Is Donald Trump now unstoppable [see details]?
Asked by ucme | 6 responses -
Is Hillary's campaign a sinking ship?
Asked by Cruiser | 49 responses -
Under what circumstances would you consider supporting Michael R. Bloomberg for President of the United States?
Asked by ibstubro | 24 responses -
Is it true that Donald Trump could "stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and [not] lose voters."?
Asked by ibstubro | 30 responses -
What are your views on Donald Trump?
Asked by ReadingHouses | 43 responses -
Is it too late for Gary Johnson, 2016 Libertarian presidential candidate, to gain enough traction to make a real bid for the Presidency?
Asked by ibstubro | 13 responses