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What does the redacted Mueller Report tell us?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 104 responses -
How would you react if a president was assassinated (please read details)?
Asked by ubersiren | 41 responses -
How much of the Constitution must we ignore in order to defend it?
Asked by ETpro | 32 responses -
At this time Bernie Sanders seems to be the front runner. Does he have what it takes to beat the current president?
Asked by chyna from iPhone | 88 responses -
Do you feel that the unrelenting Obama-bashing by the vocal and racist minority is damaging to the USA?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 295 responses -
Where does the Vice President live?
Asked by lbus1229 from iPhone | 16 responses -
Do you or someone you know have a good reason for supporting Sarah Palin in her political career?
Asked by ubersiren | 39 responses -
I saw where Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders are the Democrat top runners for president in 2020. Do you think we need younger blood running?
Asked by chyna from iPhone | 25 responses -
How do you think US President Joe Biden is doing so far?
Asked by KNOWITALL | 54 responses -
Is it becoming trendy to disregard the Constitution?
Asked by ANef_is_Enuf | 16 responses -
Are you watching the debate in Nevada?
Asked by JLeslie from iPhone | 14 responses -
Does the popularity of Trump and Sanders demonstrate the US has a shrinking middle class?
Asked by JLeslie from iPhone | 14 responses -
Would Herman Cain be a better Black President?
Asked by saint | 119 responses -
If you became president in 2008: what would you have done differently, and why do you think it would have worked?
Asked by Qingu | 34 responses -
As hateful and vindictive as some Americans are toward President Obama, do you think it wise for he and his wife to walk through DC waving to the public?
Asked by SABOTEUR from iPhone | 29 responses -
Awlaki and the CIA Hit List -- Should US Presidents have the right to target US Citizens for assassination without any judicial review?
Asked by ETpro | 14 responses -
Is the "Birther" argument posed by the Right the same (or similar) to the "Tax" argument posed by the Left?
Asked by RandomMrAdam | 37 responses -
Have you ever felt passionate about a presidential candidate?
Asked by Jons_Blond from iPhone | 74 responses -
How aren't the dementia speculations in the 2020 presidential race an example of ageism?
Asked by Soubresaut | 10 responses -
Is it inaccurate to think that most politicians have the same interests and voting is simply picking the person you think will do less damage?
Asked by Blackberry | 18 responses -
If Nikki Haley become president will the White Supremacists freak out?
Asked by JLeslie from iPhone | 37 responses -
Will America's government one day turn the military on the citizen's for total control?
Asked by z28proximo | 37 responses -
Dear Americans: do you pay attention to presidential or Prime Minister elections in other countries?
Asked by JLeslie from iPhone | 7 responses -
Does Donald Trump vindicate Nietzsche?
Asked by LostInParadise | 18 responses -
Why were the 2018 US midterm elections not an overwhelming victory for the Dems?
Asked by SaganRitual | 8 responses