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Skill needed to write an app for the iPad?
Asked by sharpstick | 8 responses -
UCLA Extension VS Community College - which one is better?
Asked by ilovechoc | 4 responses -
What is the most popular PHP framework available?
Asked by camertron | 14 responses -
What's the worst single line of code/script/command you have ever written/seen?
Asked by robmandu | 8 responses -
Any programmers willing to help me solve a triangle?
Asked by gorillapaws | 4 responses -
Is there a Wordpress e-commerce plug-in that links with LightSpeed POS?
Asked by thatonetime | 2 responses -
I have a problem: my computer doesn't recognize multiple files at once. How do I solve it?
Asked by luigirovatti | 7 responses -
Why does C++ not allow me to use strings in a class header file?
Asked by HeroicZach | 2 responses -
How should I go about learning OpenCV?
Asked by deathfrombelow | 1 response -
Why isn't Fluther updated in realtime?
Asked by Elumas | 4 responses -
How do I fix this GitHub shell typo?
Asked by cadetjoecool | 1 response -
Personal projects competing with employers projects?
Asked by jamesorwood | 8 responses -
Why do so many restaurants websites offer their menu as a PDF file?
Asked by plasticpen | 13 responses -
What is the difference between project and web site application in Visual Studio 2010?
Asked by Ranimi23 | 2 responses -
Salesforce SDK uninstallation from XCode?
Asked by Sonali_MIlmile | 1 response -
Valley Investors appraisal of Ruby on Rails?
Asked by Tintels | 6 responses -
Is a checksum infallible?
Asked by rexpresso | 10 responses -
Coding in C++: How do you display a random array?
Asked by Jonathan_hodgkins | 6 responses -
What's the best book for understanding Unity 2D?
Asked by kaffee | 1 response -
What are some ideas and tips for someone learning how to program computers?
Asked by Fred931 from iPhone | 3 responses -
Some quick info about the academic field of Computer Engineering?
Asked by spotch | 4 responses -
Would you like to share stories of when P2P, batch programming and IRC were starting?
Asked by XOIIO | 4 responses -
Anyone know an Excel formula to convert Excel Date/Time to a Time-stamp?
Asked by ETpro | 7 responses -
Question about the Split Function in Visual Basic?
Asked by jlm11f | 6 responses -
PHP Gurus: What is the easiest way to generate a specified length string of random alpha characters?
Asked by richardhenry | 4 responses