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Would you buy land on the moon?
Asked by quasi | 48 responses -
Looking for a recommendation for Abbotsford or South Surrey (BC, Canada) property managers.
Asked by Fantasy_Art | 1 response -
Is it good time to buy property in Central Asia?
Asked by Miracle13 | 5 responses -
Where did the term "devil strip" come from?
Asked by purephase from iPhone | 16 responses -
Which side pays for a fence to be built?
Asked by Mtl_zack | 10 responses -
What are the best organizations to contact about buying land or an inexpensive home in SF?
Asked by zina | 5 responses -
I posted a sale on craigslist for a dining table. I just received an offer. The Buyer will pay using a certified check drawn from a US bank. Should I go through with the Sale? Is this a Scam? What are the precautions I should take?
Asked by John_Mactavish | 16 responses -
I decided to do a short sale on my property before it the mortgage company starts foreclosure proceedings. I approached a realestate agent and he told me he will handle everything. he will talk to the bank, get a buyer, etc. Should I let him handle it or should I approach the mortgage company first to tell them about the short sale?
Asked by John_Mactavish | 6 responses -
If you believe in karma, what are your thoughts on acquiring a house or a vehicle, as examples, that have been repossessed/foreclosed?
Asked by mcbealer from iPhone | 11 responses -
Can you provide any information about a "short sale" of a home?
Asked by anonyjelly16 | 11 responses -
If you were going to live on the moon and could take one thing with you, what would you take?
Asked by shorty | 27 responses -
What is the typical leasing rate per square foot of warehouse space? What is considered a "good deal"?
Asked by timothykinney | 2 responses -
Do you know any good home buying books?
Asked by scrappy | 3 responses