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Why do people like to eat with other people? Why Do You like to eat with other people?
Asked by rexo | 66 responses -
"When I'm feeling low, it really cheers me up to have a new ---"?
Asked by Jeruba | 32 responses -
How is our sense of humor formed?
Asked by deni | 27 responses -
Have you experienced psychological projection?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 6 responses -
What did your nervous breakdown look like?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 10 responses -
If corporations are people, are they psychopathic people?
Asked by ETpro | 17 responses -
What is one thing that a person could tell you about themselves, that would give you a better understanding of who they are, and why they do what they do?
Asked by Jude | 42 responses -
Would there ever be a publication of collected 'best' answers from Fluther?
Asked by auntydeb | 31 responses -
Can any generalisations be made about the psychological reasons for why some people are anorexic whilst others are bulimic?
Asked by nebule | 6 responses -
What are you full of right now?
Asked by janbb | 56 responses -
Do people make us feel things or are we always responsible for how we feel?
Asked by nebule | 65 responses -
How often do you feel that you're changing?
Asked by Christian95 | 35 responses -
Have you ever gotten to the point to where you had to cut someone out of your life?
Asked by Jude | 79 responses -
What personal carryovers do you still have from the early days of the pandemic?
Asked by janbb | 26 responses -
Are the things people routinely say to lessen grief actually making it worse?
Asked by longgone | 13 responses -
How does having a child changed your perception of the city (and city living)?
Asked by lifeflame | 27 responses -
How much can you blame your problems on other people?
Asked by tinyfaery | 26 responses -
Does evil exist?
Asked by FireMadeFlesh | 123 responses -
Is love a real thing?
Asked by imgr8 | 24 responses -
Why does everything seem harder at night?
Asked by harple | 23 responses -
The Mankind Project: Does it really help men become more authentic beings?
Asked by DarlingRhadamanthus | 32 responses -
Do you believe that positive thinking works? or can change your life?
Asked by Just_Justine | 31 responses -
Why is it so common to blame religion for the world's woes?
Asked by eden2eve | 93 responses -
How do you deal with fear?
Asked by fremen_warrior | 23 responses -
For those who have done so, how did you get to the point where became comfortable with the idea you couldn't fit other people's ideas of propriety?
Asked by wundayatta | 19 responses