public policy
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Why isn't Universal Health Care more popular with conservatives?
Asked by augustlan | 40 responses -
Do you read a blog that has the potential to change the world or at least make people think differently?
Asked by Bellatrix | 7 responses -
How can we change American attitudes toward "last months" of life?
Asked by CWOTUS | 11 responses -
To what extent do you think the government should be responsible to those in need?
Asked by jca | 120 responses -
Can you believe there's something I agree with in RFK's policy agenda?
Asked by janbb | 25 responses -
Should technology be disseminated as quickly and extensively as possible?
Asked by wundayatta | 16 responses -
What would it take to get you to commute to work (or school) via bicycle?
Asked by wundayatta | 24 responses -
We've always known that smoking is terrible for our health, yet until quite recently at least 35% of American adults smoked. What turned that figure to approximately 15% (CDC figures for 2015) and in some communities, down to 10%?
Asked by lonesome-dog | 10 responses -
Was Jefferson right?
Asked by Sorceren | 5 responses -
How will a tax on health insurance benefits affect people's behavior?
Asked by wundayatta | 2 responses -
Would the complete efficiency of financial markets be desirable?
Asked by TheBot | 30 responses -
How is it that California has escaped water restrictions for such a long time?
Asked by elbanditoroso | 10 responses