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Why doesn't the law control more/less behaviors?
Asked by Ltryptophan | 54 responses -
Did this act warrant a jail sentence? See link inside.
Asked by OpryLeigh | 10 responses -
Justice of Lycurgus; what use would it be today and how might it changer USA criminal justice?
Asked by throssog | 6 responses -
What are your thoughts on Anthony Bologna's supposed punishment?
Asked by amujinx | 19 responses -
If a person is convicted of a brutal crime why is it cruel and unusual punishment to do to them what they did to the victim?
Asked by NightStalker | 28 responses -
What's the punishment for a user who uses their alternate account to self-lurve?
Asked by Brian1946 | 44 responses -
When will the war crimes trials begin?
Asked by Ron_C | 28 responses -
Could you forgive your executioners?
Asked by RareDenver | 36 responses -
Would the death penalty deter criminals if death were by torture?
Asked by ETpro | 54 responses -
How do you think emotional punishments compare to corporal punishments?
Asked by whitenoise | 33 responses -
What do you think should be the punishment for the Minneapolis police officer who shot the unarmed woman just the other day?
Asked by jca | 75 responses -
How often do you find the saying, ”No good deed goes unpunished”, to be true?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 6 responses -
Will you treat other kids like your own kids?
Asked by Your_Majesty | 20 responses -
If a brain tumor caused someone to become a pedophile, would you hold him responsible for his actions?
Asked by nikipedia | 35 responses -
If you were the Judge and the Jury, and it were totally up to your judgement and opinion, what would be the punishment for the kid whose webcam spying caused his roommate Tyler Clemente to commit suicide?
Asked by jca | 45 responses -
How are non-competition employment agreements legally binding?
Asked by Zaku | 13 responses -
Should non-essential luxury items be removed from prisons?
Asked by NerdyKeith | 62 responses -
What do you think about mass punishment over the actions of a few?
Asked by Moonaa | 19 responses -
How do you want to be criticized?
Asked by wundayatta | 19 responses -
Should white collar crimes be prosecuted more similarly to violent crimes?
Asked by cockswain | 22 responses -
You've just been given a life sentence. The twist? You have to choose your own cellmate.
Asked by ibstubro | 80 responses -
You ever been to jail, prison or commited to a psych hospital. Why did you have to go? What was your experience like? Did it help you or did you got worse and went back?
Asked by buster | 13 responses -
To what degree are we willing to endorse torture and physical/corporal punishment and under what criteria do/can we justify it?
Asked by throssog | 74 responses -
Do you think capital punishment is moral?
Asked by Polly_Math | 123 responses -
How would one construct a “litter trap”?
Asked by Smashley | 30 responses