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Why do Stateside bath towels have that band of not-terrycloth running across a couple inches from the ends?
Asked by Nullo | 5 responses -
(NSFW-Swearing/ranting) Alright, wtf is going on?
Asked by XOIIO | 45 responses -
Just how much used CZ-82 should I expect to get for $250?
Asked by Nullo | 1 response -
With art, what value should be placed on the methodology used (see details)?
Asked by Mariah | 16 responses -
Just how virgin should my olive oil be?
Asked by ETpro | 12 responses -
What is important enough to go to war over?
Asked by AshLeigh | 30 responses -
Westone 4 vs. Shure SE535 headphones....Which are the best quality?
Asked by HollyF | 1 response -
How do I get my band director to choose me for section leader?
Asked by JessK | 4 responses -
Are the best fluther questions better now than they were a year or two ago?
Asked by envidula61 | 22 responses -
What are some other websites like Usertesting.com?
Asked by DrewJ | 1 response -
Whats the strongest type of weed?
Asked by ctimm15 | 16 responses -
Where do you get information about your health or illness?
Asked by Stinley | 14 responses -
Will you write a testimonial for some product, brand, or service that you absolutely love?
Asked by Jeruba | 26 responses -
Are three questions a day too many?
Asked by SmashTheState | 15 responses -
How do I find the quality of a video I have on my PC?
Asked by XOIIO | 12 responses -
What is one....out of many i'm sure.... major quality you look for in a s/o?
Asked by ucme | 30 responses -
What makes a good sequel?
Asked by Joker94 | 5 responses -
Would HDMI Provide me with optimal video and audio quality?
Asked by Afos22 | 7 responses -
What is quality?
Asked by kdrive | 12 responses -
What's the best economy vacuum cleaner?
Asked by camertron | 14 responses -
Soliciting opinions about cookware to be given as a gift.
Asked by BarnacleBill | 16 responses -
Can I get the same quality of business card print if I decide to do it using my own printer?
Asked by mesd | 5 responses -
What is the best brand of work boots on the market?
Asked by Mikewlf337 | 10 responses -
What items do you buy or use where you think the cheap version is just as good, does as good a job as the expensive version?
Asked by jca | 14 responses -
Is T.V. better than the movies?
Asked by iamthemob | 33 responses