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Do you have any odd remedies for sleep deprivation?
Asked by Axemusica | 35 responses -
Do you have an automatic preference for white over black?
Asked by troubleinharlem | 28 responses -
What is the origin of Northern Blacks (USA) using the word "stay" in place of the word "live"?
Asked by Kayak8 | 55 responses -
An observation about Whole Foods...warranted?
Asked by Ponderer983 | 23 responses -
What's your take on racing strangers without them knowing it?
Asked by ucme | 13 responses -
Is the term Jewish a race?
Asked by ryan9305 | 10 responses -
What color are most Puerto Ricans?
Asked by squirbel | 13 responses -
My friend thinks racism is over. I know he's wrong, but I can't quite articulate it - any good resources?
Asked by lalelalela | 25 responses -
Is it impolite for a white person to bring up the fact that they share their last name with a black person?
Asked by Ltryptophan from iPhone | 16 responses -
Would you wear these shoes?
Asked by Blondesjon | 47 responses -
What television show do you think has a subtle (yet profound) positive effect on undermining negative stereotypes?
Asked by iamthemob | 35 responses -
Why do some people try to be hip and cool when they're talking to someone of a different race?
Asked by Blackberry | 24 responses -
Can you reccomend some non-white fantasy authors for me?
Asked by KatawaGrey | 16 responses -
A mad scientist is trying to use you in her plan to end racism. What do you do? (see hypothetical situation).
Asked by phaedryx | 23 responses -
At the risk of sounding totally ignorant.... Latin vs Hispanic? Which do you use?
Asked by awomanscorned | 25 responses -
Do the Jews get any preference when it comes to issues of racism?
Asked by seazen | 17 responses -
If you could be re-incarnated into another race, what would it be and why?
Asked by Pandora | 19 responses -
Are there multiple species of humans?
Asked by El_Cadejo | 67 responses -
Where does white American guilt end and black American responsibility begin?
Asked by palerider | 54 responses -
What percentage of my heritage determines my race?
Asked by teejay8192010 | 5 responses -
How come one contest is not equal to the other?
Asked by john65pennington | 16 responses -
Is it fair that 'whites' don't have a word that they can feel offended by?
Asked by lloydbird | 36 responses -
Is equality an idea that will never exist?
Asked by Steve_A | 31 responses -
Does this study mean atheists have higher reading, writing, and comprehension skills?
Asked by kevbo from iPhone | 59 responses -
How come everyone makes a big deal out of a white person and a black person dating?
Asked by Mom2BDec2010 | 38 responses