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Why should praying make a difference?
Asked by LostInParadise | 22 responses -
Is a person truly moral if their primary motivation is to be rewarded by God for being good and to avoid punishment for being bad?
Asked by LostInParadise | 21 responses -
Can a lawyer confess his sins on his client's confessional?
Asked by luigirovatti | 7 responses -
Do YOU think the Jewish people are the same as a nationality?
Asked by JLeslie from iPhone | 32 responses -
Fidel Castro survived over 600 assassination attempts. Do christians believe that he was protected by god?
Asked by ragingloli | 11 responses -
What do you think about a Christian church lighting a Chanukah menorah?
Asked by JLeslie from iPhone | 23 responses -
Why are so many people saying "Free Palestine!" after the Hamas attack? Why weren't they saying that prior to the Hamas attack? Aren't they just responding to a Call of Action by a terrorist group?
Asked by Kraigmo | 24 responses -
Are urban areas more likely to have negative feelings towards Jews?
Asked by KNOWITALL | 27 responses -
If a store put up incorrect signage on holiday items would you be offended?
Asked by JLeslie from iPhone | 14 responses -
Who's the better person?
Asked by syz | 15 responses -
Have you heard that right wing christians nowadays are starting to reject the teachings of Jesus as being "too liberal"?
Asked by ragingloli | 82 responses -
Do you think materialism has influenced the life of individuals today? (Note: A bit long)
Asked by Maya_01 | 29 responses -
Do Christian Trump supporters actually not realize that Trump is using religious jargon to get to them?
Asked by JLeslie | 74 responses -
What are some contemporary examples of inner peace and forgiveness within the Christian and Muslim community?
Asked by Maya_01 | 13 responses -
Have you ever witnessed a miracle?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 5 responses -
How do conspiracy theorists believe was caused the image on the Shroud of Turin?
Asked by luigirovatti | 10 responses -
Do hospital chaplains necessary have to be Christian?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 12 responses -
Should it still be illegal for women to go topless?(NSFW?)
Asked by MrGrimm888 | 36 responses -
Can Fluther give more details, and fact check, to Utah banning the Bible?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 17 responses -
What are your thoughts on euthanasia, or assisted suicide?
Asked by MrGrimm888 | 36 responses -
What should be the goal of civilization?
Asked by Ltryptophan from iPhone | 21 responses -
What are your thoughts about the mass poisoning of girls, in Iran?
Asked by MrGrimm888 | 6 responses -
Analogous to the "God of the Gaps", is there an "AI of the Gaps"?
Asked by ragingloli | 4 responses -
What happens if Judaism announces a messiah?
Asked by Ltryptophan from iPhone | 25 responses -
If Theravada Buddhism is escaping a fire, and Mahayana Buddhism is going back in to help others escape then what is it called when one puts out the fire?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 8 responses