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Paying down the National Debt -- here's my thoughts. Any better ideas?
Asked by ETpro | 29 responses -
Does the franking privilege allowing Congress members to mail items for free help prevent proportional representation in the U.S.
Asked by iamthemob | 6 responses -
If it is true we will have grid lock with the republicans having power in congress and Obama as President, does that mean the Bush tax cuts will expire?
Asked by JLeslie | 32 responses -
What will the Republicans do now?
Asked by BoBo1946 | 40 responses -
Is Michael Sharp the ultimate Tea Party candidate? (See video in link)
Asked by ETpro | 15 responses -
What is the difference between the Tea Party and the Republicans?
Asked by weeveeship | 76 responses -
What is your impression of the Tea Party movement?
Asked by weeveeship | 77 responses -
Would anyone be interested in joining a "far center" political party?
Asked by crazyivan | 63 responses -
Which US political party is pushing for equality today?
Asked by ETpro | 12 responses -
Is the Ayn Rand "Every man for himself" society what we want for tomorrow's America?
Asked by ETpro | 119 responses -
What do you think of the GOP's new Pledge to America?
Asked by ETpro | 23 responses -
DREAM -- Are Republicans right to say no to it? (see details)
Asked by ETpro | 12 responses -
Are some fueling hate between the right and the left to keep us distracted as they set up a total Corporatocracy in the USA?
Asked by ETpro | 31 responses -
Should we trust politicians who insist government can't possibly create jobs to take over government and create jobs?
Asked by ETpro | 9 responses -
Is the Republican edifice against gay marriage cracking significantly?
Asked by kevbo from iPhone | 46 responses -
Who is really behind the Tea Party?
Asked by SeventhSense | 41 responses -
Does anyone else think a dark side of the right wing is showing its face lately?
Asked by tedd | 34 responses -
Will the "Largest Tax Increase in US History" lie work better than the Death Panels lie?
Asked by ETpro | 10 responses -
What can be done to stop the republicans constant lying and why do people continue to believe them?
Asked by flitter54 | 46 responses -
If you could create your own bumper sticker, what would it say?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 34 responses -
What is your favorite Ministry song?
Asked by Kraken | 10 responses -
What are the pros and cons of the new Tea Party?
Asked by shpadoinkle_sue | 21 responses -
Is there any way we could hold politicians accountable for blatant lies and/or inciting violence?
Asked by Dr_C | 14 responses -
How can we stop the wingunts from destroying America?
Asked by ETpro | 53 responses -
Why do the Democrats seem so ineffective?
Asked by phoenyx | 41 responses